WHO is working with Viamo, a global social enterprise improving lives via mobile, to provide WHO’s COVID-19 information, including vaccines, to the hardest to reach populations, in their languages, through the mobile phones they own. This includes people with simple phones (feature phones) or with... limited access to the internet. Since the onset of COVID-19, Viamo’s 3-2-1 Service has become a trusted, toll-free source of life-saving COVID-19 health information for people in 19 countries. Listeners dial in and access important messages that help them make better informed decisions to live healthier lives.
To access a video in all available languages, click its picture in the library.
Here you can download videos in different local languages to communicate and educate in the community
What do we know about Omicron variant so far? WHO's Dr Maria Van Kerkhove updates on the transmissibility, severity, symptoms and ways to protect yourself in Science in 5.
Are you aware of the medical waste generated during the pandemic? How does it impact your health and what can you do to reduce it? WHO’s Dr Margaret Montgomery explains in Science in 5.
If Omicron is less severe, why are people ending up in the hospital and dying from it? Is it true that everyone will eventually get Omicron? Why is it important to reduce transmission? WHO's Dr Maria Van Kerkhove explains in Science in 5.
If you have recovered from COVID-19 but are still experiencing certain symptoms you could have post COVID-19 condition or "long COVID". What are these symptoms? How long do they last and are there any treatment options?
Dr Janet Diaz explains in Science in 5.
Das Landesamt für Flüchtlingsangelegenheiten Berlin (LAF) hat bereits zu Beginn der Pandemie im März 2020 mit Audio-Podcasts in verschiedenen Sprachen die Geflüchteten in Unterkünften über das Coronavirus informiert. Nun liegen angesichts der zweiten Welle der Pandemie aktualisierte Versionen ...der Podcasts mit wichtigen Hinweisen zum richtigen Verhalten und zum Thema Quarantäne in 13 Sprachen vor. Die Podcasts stehen unter hier zum Anhören bereit. Der Link kann über Messenger-Dienste wie WhatsApp oder Telegram in der jeweiligen Sprach-Gemeinschaft weiter verschickt werden.
Leading disease outbreak experts have come together to show gamers everywhere how to spot and stop a pandemic. The popular simulation Plague Inc: The Cure not only transports players into a global public health outbreak similar to the COVID-19 pandemic, but a new feature also provides expert comment...ary comparing decisions made by gamers to real-life scenarios.
What are the variants circulating at this time? How are variants classified as variants of interest or concern? What does this mean for the public? Dr Maria Van Kerkhove explains in Science in 5 this week.
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) science conversation
In this video and audio series WHO experts explain the science related to COVID-19. This series is available every week on WHO's YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn channels and on all major podcasts platforms.
Download all epis...ode transcripts in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Hindi, Maithili, Nepali
If you are living with diabetes, what is the risk that COVID-19 poses to you and how can you stay safe and healthy during the pandemic?
WHO’s Dr. Gojka Roglic explains in Science in 5.
This video, in Arabic, describes how vaccines work in the body after you receive a vaccination.
This animation uses the “visible germ” to help people immediately grasp how easily the coronavirus is transmitted. The film uses simple and visual ways to teach prevention practices that can help people protect themselves and others at home and in their community.
Ther videos are available in... more than 30 languages for free download for your personal and non-commercial use. To access the download pages, you need to "Login.
Are the symptoms of COVID-19 different in children? Do the new variants impact children differently? What can parents do to keep children safe from COVID-19. WHO's Dr Maria Van Kerkhove explains in Science in 5.
Science in 5 is WHO’s conversations in science. Watch WHO experts explain science... related to COVID-19.
Covid-19 News in Romanian / English / French / Arabic / Russian / Turkish
How does SARS-CoV-2 , the virus that causes COVID-19 , spread from one person to another? How can you keep yourself safe indoors and outdoors? WHO’s Dr Oliver Morgan explains in Science in 5.
Medical oxygen is an essential medicine in the treatment of COVID-19. How is it used? Why is there a shortage in some countries and what are WHO, partners and Governments doing about it? WHO’s Dr Janet Diaz explains in Science in 5.
In diesem Video wird der korrekte Rachenabstrich bei der COVID-19 Diagnostik gezeigt: Einmal mit Zugang über die Nase und einmal über die Mundhöhle. Wir beziehen uns hierbei auf die Empfehlungen des RKI und der WHO. Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation verzichten wir im Folgenden auf die Verwendung v...on Schutzkleidung zum Einsparen von Ressourcen.
Zum offenen COVID-19 Kapitel: https://go.amboss.com/c19-abstrich
If you are caring for yourself or a loved one at home, how can you keep everyone safe? Who should be cared for at home? How to prevent COVID-19 infection to other family members? What red flags should you look for that tell you it is time to contact the health care provider? WHO’s Dr April Baller ...explains in Science in 5.