HIV Treatment and Care
Intensificar o reforço das abordagens de monitorização do tratamento através dos testes da carga viral, assim como o diagnóstico pediátrico precoce, será fundamental para garantir cuidados e tratamentos de boa qualidade e o êxito dos programas. Considerar uma boa rede de diagnósticos, tipos... de amostras, intervenções e estratégias em cada um dos países e em todas as partes interessadas nacionais, regionais e parceiros contribuirá para apoiar este esforço, melhorar a colaboração e maximizar o investimento nos diagnósticos para um impacto clínico visível.
This document describes the key areas that national governments should consider for the introduction and scale-up of point-of-care (POC) diagnostics within national programmes, as new innovative POC technologies are being introduced into the market. The next steps taken to include these new innovati...ons within the broader context of national diagnostic networks of conventional laboratories could influence the achievement of the 2030 Fast Track targets for ending the AIDS epidemic.
POC diagnostics, when strategically introduced and integrated into national diagnostic networks, may help catalyse changes that improve the way diagnostics and clinical services are delivered. This document distils this understanding based on programmatic and market experiences of introducing POC diagnostics through catalytic investments in POC HIV technologies across numerous countries in sub-Saharan Africa.
EClinicalMedicine 1 (2018) 21–27
2589-5370/© 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
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Advice for countries using or planning
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HIV patient monitoring and case surveillance