There are different courses for Physiotherapists, Occupational therapists, Nurses, Doctors, others
All courses are based on and run in conjunction with the International Spinal Cord Society and other affiliated organisations. They run in 5-week blocks and require approx. 5 hour...s per week. Participants can log on and move through course curriculum at a time convenient to them.
Accessed online March 2018
По данным информационного центра «Эпилепсия» (ize) Немецкого общества эпилептологии, от 400 000 до 800 000 людей в Германии страдают эпилепсией. Медики говорят об эпилепси...и, если у пациента было минимум два эпилептических припадка. Данный справочник предоставит Вам - как пациенту или родственнику - основную информацию.
A guide for community health workers, rehabilitation workers, and families.
This manual covers identifying primary and secondary disabilities, developing skills for daily living, and working through behavior problems. The new 2018 edition features new topics, including mental and developmental di...sabilities, microcephaly and Zika, causes of birth defects and childhood disability, epilepsy and seizures, hearing loss and vision problems, HIV, leprosy, and more, and has updated information on polio, cerebral palsy, juvenile arthritis, muscular dystrophy, and medications.
Readers will find instructions on how to build six different wheelchairs using local resources; useful therapy techniques, such as making fun and educational toys; ideas for improving playground accessibility for all children; and low-cost rehabilitation aids and adaptations for home and community.
You can download chapter 4 for free. The complete book is available at Hesperian Book STore
Updated March 2018 | Accessed Online March 2018
World Cerebral Palsy Day Awards 2017
With the recent advances in medicine, the survival rate of clients with
severe burns has improved. This has resulted in greater demand for rehabilitation services. One of the major goals for rehabilitation programmes is to restore these clients to their pre-trauma activity levels. However, there is... not much research on the subject.
Report of the Joint World Health Organization–Brien Holden Vision Institute Global Scientific Meeting on Myopia | University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia 16–18 March 2015
An estimated 253 million people live with vision impairment: 36 million are blind and 217 million have moderate to severe vision impairment. 81% of people who are blind or have moderate or severe vision impairment are aged 50 years and above
Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2017 Mar 15; 5(1):37-41.
This study attempts a comprehensive qualitative and quantitative analysis of un-annotated bibliographic listing of books and citations compiled on specific learning disability published by researchers in India.
This is the fifteenth edition of the lecture notes. They were first published in 1987 as a summary of the material used in the biannual epilepsy teaching weekend organised under the auspices of the UK Chapter of the International League against Epilepsy. You can download 59 different chapters in 11 ...sections: basic science; spectrum of epilepsy; differential diagnosis epilepsy; investigations; medical treatment of epilepsy; outcome; special groups; surgical treatment of epilepsy; social aspects; provision of care
The effect of music intervention on mild and moderate Intellectually
disabled children was studied in non-randomized pre-test post-test control
group design at an Indian state (Jammu) J&K
Samuel P. Hayes Research Library | | 617-972-7250 |
Musculoskeletal disorders represent a significant problem of modern society which are more pronounced in young people and school children. Etiology of these disorders is found in inadequate ergonomic conditions, too heavy school bag, school furniture inadequate to age, poor posture, sedentary lifest...yle, reduction of physical activity and lack of exercise.