Manual para promotores/as, madres, padres y cuidadores/as | Parte del juego de herramientas de Prevención de CBM sobre Parálisis Cerebral
BMC Medicine201210:107© Katchanov and Birbeck; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. 2012
Received: 10 July 2012Accepted: 24 September 2012Published: 24 September 2012
In 2011, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) mental health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) r...eleased evidence-based epilepsy-care guidelines for use in low and middle income countries (LAMICs). From a
geographical, sociocultural, and political perspective, LAMICs represent a heterogenous group with significant differences in the epidemiology, etiology, and perceptions of epilepsy. Successful implementation of
the guidelines requires local adaptation for use within individual countries. For effective implementation and sustainability, the sense of ownership and empowerment must be transferred from the global health authorities to the local people. Sociocultural and financial barriers that impede the implementation of the guidelines should be
identified and ameliorated. Impact assessment and program revisions should be planned and a budget allocated to them. If effectively implemented, as intended, at the primary-care level, the mhGAP
guidelines have the potential to facilitate a substantial reduction in the epilepsy treatment gap and improve the quality of epilepsy care in resource-limited settings.
PLoS Med 8(11): e1001122. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001122
This article aims to assess the impact of cerebral palsy on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of Nigerian children.
Epilepsy is one of the world’s most common chronic neurological disorders. Roughly 50 million people
suffer from it, 5 million of them in the Region of the Americas . Nevertheless, it is estimated that over
50% of these people in Latin America and the Caribbean have no access to services. Furthe...rmore,
the stigma attached to people with epilepsy is a barrier to the exercise of their human rights and social
This article describes experiences in implementing a community mental health and development project in a rural district in southern India, including the position of persons with mental illness when the project was initiated, the challenges faced and the strategies that were developed to overcome th...ese challenges. The authors conclude that when services are locally available, persons with mental illness can be treated and rehabilitated within their own community. They can live with dignity and their rights are respected. There is a great need for inclusion of persons with mental illness in the existing developmental activities and in disabled persons’ organisations.
Seizures constitute the most common neurological problem in children and the majority of epilepsy has its onset in childhood. Appropriate diagnosis and management of childhood epilepsy is essential to improve quality of life in these children. Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines, modified to... the Indian setting by a panel of experts, are not available.
October 2009 | Volume 6 | Issue 10 | e1000162
A systematic review of randomized controlled efficacy trials | REPORT -
В методических рекомендациях представлены особенности стигматизации больных эпилепсией различными группами, играющими важную роль в их адаптации в социуме. Испо...льзованы клинико-психопатологический, социологический (метод интервью) и статистический методы. За основу социологического метода был взят опросник «Психическое здоровье в общественном сознании», разработанный В.С. Ястребовым и соавт. (2001). У больных эпилепсией выделены четыре типа внутренней картины болезни, формирующие индивидуальные копинг-механизмы.
Tuesday 24.11.2009, Concurrent Session 6, 16.30 - 18.00