In March 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak of a novel coronavirus disease, COVID-19, to be a pandemic, due to the speed and scale of transmission.
WHO and public health authorities around the world are taking action to contain the COVID-19 outbreak. Certain populations,... such as those with disability, may be impacted more significantly by COVID-19. This impact can be mitigated if simple actions and protective measures are taken by key stakeholders.
Over nine years of protracted and violent conflict in Syria has decimated its health system,killed an estimated 586,000 people and forcibly displaced more than half the 22 million pre-war population from their homes. As of June 2020, a total of 6.2 million Syrians (of whom 40% are children) are inte...rnally displaced (IDPs) and 5.5 million are refugees. Over half of Syria’s population (11.7 million) are in-need of humanitarian aid across the whole of Syria
Last update: 2 April 2020
O uso de uma máscara facial CORRETAMENTE, além de boas práticas de higiene das mãos e distanciamento físico, pode ajudar a evitar a propagação do #COVID19 a outras pessoas.
This note provides information and practical guidance to support gender-based violence (GBV) practitioners to integrate attention to disability into GBV prevention, risk mitigation and response efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic. This document complements other resources relating to GBV and COVID-...19 and assumes that the user is already familiar with common GBV prevention, risk mitigation and response approaches.
This tool provides guidance on how to adapt and use information, education and communication (IEC) materials so that they can be understood by people with disabilities. People with disabilities have a right to access all information relating to gender-based violence (GBV...) programs on an equal basis with others.
Информационный буклет для беременных женщин
Accessed on 2019
Информационный материал для пациентов и родственников
Accessed on 2019
Плакат с информацией о туберкулезе
Accessed on 2019
Информационная брошюра о туберкулезе
Сеть людей, перенесших туберкулез: руководство для пациентов и выставка “Вдохнуть и не дышать"
Презентация на тему значимости скрининга больных с лекарственно-устойчивым туберкулезом на гепатит С. Как лучше всего лечить этих пациентов от гепатита С.
Accessed online March 2018
Accessed online March 2018
Accessed online March 2018
Accessed October 2018
The Information, Orientation and Social Support Service (SIOAS) reaches out to people with disabilities, mainly through its mobile teams, in 35 of the poorest neighborhoods in Maputo, Matola and Beira and will soon also be present in Tete and Nampula; these are five of the mos...t populous urban centers in Mozambique. The SIOAS has a special focus on children.
O Serviço de Informação, Orientação e Acompanhamento Social (SIOAS) abrange pessoas portadoras de deficiência, principalmente através das suas brigadas móveis, em 35 dos bairros mais pobres de Maputo, Matola e Beira e em breve também estará presente em Tete e Nampula; estes são cinco dos centros urbanos mais populosos de Moçambique. O SIOAS tem um foco especial em crianças.