The messages should be used to inform, educate and engage different audience groups depending on their level of risk, vulnerability, presence in contact areas, care of patients with Ebola, or engagement or attendance of burials.
The Ebola crisis has impacted some of the most vulnerable areas of the world, and frontline health workers are struggling to keep pace with the outbreak. The “Training Health Workers for Ebola” series consists of four webinars, and aims to provide health workers with the clear, reliable, and tim...ely information they need to protect themselves, detect the disease, and respond.
This webinar series is offered free of charge by mPowering Frontline Health Workers and IntraHealth.
Please visit the website:
This 15-minute quick guide is developed with content available from the World Health Organization, CDC, and other organizations. The general public and aid workers without specialized health training will benefit from increased awareness of this outbreak.To access the latest training, log into or enroll directly in the Ebola Awareness Quick Guide training course.
Guidelines for planning and provision of pastoral and social support services
Presentation is current through November 21, 2014 and will be updated every Friday by 5pm. For the most up-to-date information, please visit
*Presentation contains materials from CDC, MSF, and WHO
Lecture on Ebola for you to teach your students, share with your faculty and distribute to your friends. The Lecture has been translated by 20 scientific experts into Arabic, Chinese, English, Farsi, French, Hebrew, Japanese, Malay, Pashtu, Russian, Spanish and Urdu. IPlease go directly to the
Online Training Course
Ebola hemorrhagic fever is one of many viral hemorrhagic fevers. It is a severe, often fatal disease in humans and nonhuman primates, and is one of the world's most contagious diseases. However, the infection can be controlled through recommended protective measures. For Gra...ssroot Audience. You can download the Education Module:
Please go to the website and Hover over the image below for an interactive guide to an MSF Ebola care centre.