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Authors & Publishers
World Health Organization (WHO)
Washington Group on Disability Statistics
World Health Organization (WHO) & The World Bank (WB)
World Health Organization WHO
Bickenbach, J., Cieza, A., Rauch, A. & Stucki, G.
Hogrefe Publishing
International Centre for Evidence in Disability
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, et al.
Statistics Division Economic and Social Commission for Asia Pacific Region
United Nations
Üstün, T.B., Kostanjsek, N., Chatterji, S. & Rehm, J.
World Bank
World Health Organization
Publication Years
Capacity Building
Accessed online July 2018
The Model Disability Survey (MDS) is a general population survey that provides detailed and nuanced information about how people with and without disabilities conduct their lives and the difficulties they encounter, regardless of any underlying health condition or impairment.
The Washington Group/UNICEF Module on Child Functioning, finalized in 2016, covers children between 2 and 17 years of age and assesses functional difficulties in different domains including hearing, vision, communication/comprehension, learning, mobility and emotions. To better reflect the degree of... more
This first in a series of Washington Group Implementation Documents covers the tools developed by the Washington Group to collect internationally comparable disability data on censuses and surveys. WG Implementation guideline Tool 1
The new WHODAS 2.0 supersedes WHODAS II and shows the following advantages: - A generic assessment instrument for health and disability - Used across all diseases, including mental, neurological and addictive disorders - Short, simple and easy to administer (5 to 20 minutes) - Applicable in both... more
The World Health Organization's Model Disability Survey (MDS) Manual is a tool to help implement the MDS in countries and to improve the quality of the interview process. This manual is intended to provide practical information about the survey instruments and their use during interviews. This manua... more
These documents provide guidance on data analysis and calculation of the recommended indicators on prevalence of children with disabilities in the population using the Module on Child Functioning. The tabulation plan provides the template for presentation of the data analysis and calculation of the ... more
WG Implementation Guidelines Tool2
WG Implementation Guidelines Tool 4
The ICF Practical Manual provides information on how to use ICF. Anyone interested in learning more about use of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, WHO 2001) may benefit from reading this Practical Manual. The ICF is presently used in many different contexts... more
Exposure draft for comment October 2013
Online interactive electronic ICF-based Documentation Tool. To facilitate the use of ICF Core Sets, a manual outlining one approach for using them in clinical practice was published in 2012, including an accompanying electronic documentation tool www.icf-core-sets.org. This tool is currently availab... more
The World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS 2.0) is a generic assessment instrument developed by WHO to provide a standardized method for measuring health and disability across cultures. It was developed from a comprehensive set of International Classification of Functioning... more
This manual summarizes the methodology used to develop WHODAS 2.0 and the findings obtained when the schedule was applied to certain areas of general health, including mental and neurological disorders. The manual will be useful to any researcher or clinician wishing to use WHODAS 2.0 in their prac... more
ESCAP Project on improving disability measurement and statistics in the Asia Pacfic Region
WHO/ESCAP Training Manual on Disability Statistics | This training manual intends to enhance the understanding of the ICF-based approach to disability measurement. It provides an overview of the ICF framework as well as guidelines on how to operationalize the underlying concepts of functioning and ... more