Timely, reliable and complete information on financial resources in the health sector is critical for sound policy making and planning, particularly in developing countries where resources are both scarce and unpredictable. Health resource tracking has a long history and has seen renewed interest mo...re recently as pressure has mounted to improve accountability for the attainment of the health Millennium Development Goals. We review the methods used to track health resources and recent experiences of their application, with a view to identifying the major challenges that must be overcome if data availability and reliability are to improve.
Children in every country, every culture and at every social level face various forms of abuse,
neglect, exploitation and violence1. The abuse takes place at home, in school, in institutions,
at work, in the community, in armed conflict and natural disasters. Much violence against
children, such ...as corporal punishment and sexual abuse, remains legal and socially approved
in many countries. Growing up with violence and abuse seriously affects a child’s development,
dignity, and physical and psychological integrity. Save the Children works to prevent
abuse and neglect from happening, ensure the victims of violence are supported and that
justice is ensured.
Air pollution from road traffic is a serious health hazard, and people with preexisting respiratory disease may be at increased risk. We investigated the effects of short-term exposure to diesel traffic in people with asthma in an urban, roadside environment.