These guidelines have been extracted from the WHO manual Surgical Care at the District
Hospital (SCDH), which is a part of the WHO Integrated Management Package on Emergency
and Essential Surgical Care (IMPEESC).
Refer for details on anaesthesia, head, gunshot and landmine injuries in chapters
These guidance notes on stress, grief and loss have been compiled by IMC’s Mental Health Advisor, Dr. Lynne Jones, for organizations working with Hurricane Katrina-affected populations. They represent lessons learned regarding mental health activities from IMC’s international experiences in disa...ster response, including the recent tsunami, as well as summarize best-practices identified by international agency consensus.
Despre TBC, profilaxie şi tratament
Vaccinarea: cel mai sigur mod de a-ţi proteja sănătatea
This document provides information for WHO Member States, particularly low-income and middle-income countries, to strengthen preparedness and response plans with regard to the social and mental health consequences of biological and chemical attacks.
Relevance and effectiveness of World Bank support for public sector capacity building in Sub-Saharan Africa from 1995 to 2004. Benin is part of a six country case study.
The article "A 20-year follow-up study on chronic respiratory effects of exposure to cotton dust" evaluates the long-term impact of cotton dust exposure on respiratory health. It followed a cohort of Chinese cotton and silk workers from 1981 to 2001, comparing lung function and symptoms. Results that cotton workers experienced greater declines in lung function and persistent respiratory symptoms compared to silk workers. The study found that exposure to airborne endotoxins in cotton dust was strongly linked to chronic respiratory impairment. It highlighted that stopping exposure helped improve lung function, particularly in non-smoking men, while smokers continued to show negative effects.
Guidelines for Therapy and Management of Pediatric Urology in Indonesia
Nurses at present are facing various personal, interpersonal, professional, institutional and socio cultural challenges in their professional performance. Dealing with these issues may not be always clear. The lack of one correct approach in addressing different conte...xtual issues may lead to ethical dilemmas. Responding to this complex issues demand nurses to acquire comprehensive ethical knowledge and skills in various decision making process. Although teaching materials have a pivotal role to play in helping nurses in this endeavor, comprehensive books inclusive of all the topics in the curriculum is scarce in Ethiopia. Therefore, this lecture note is prepared to overcome the acute shortage of reference materials reflecting the national context and be used as a teaching material for nurses at various levels. The lecture note is divided in to five units. Unit one of this lecture note deals with the history of nursing, unit two about philosophy of nursing, unit three health and illness, unit four Ethico-legal aspects to nursing, and unit five communication and interpersonal relationships in nursing,
"This document provides recommendations for protecting healthcare providers and managing patients in the event of a hazardous materials exposure. Content was compiled through nationally recognized, current practice standards and formatted into user-friendly materials. "
Diagnóstico exploratorio sobre el tráfico y/o trata de personas con fines de explotación sexual
Treat 3 Million by 2005
African Region
Large File 54 MB!!! Please download from the website link
A short Guide for Health Practitioners
Guidelines for Diagnosis & Management of Asthma in Indonesia