Between epidemiological weeks (EW) 1 and 22 of 2024, a total of 9,541,015 suspected cases of dengue were reported, resulting in a cumulative incidence of 1,011 per 100,000 population. This represents an increase of 230% compared to the same period in 2023 and 421% compared to the average of the last... 5 years. Figure 1 shows the trend of suspected dengue cases as of EW 22.
PLoS Negl Trop Dis 18(7): e0012282.
This review highlights common diagnostic
approaches for detecting schistosomiasis in field and clinical settings, major challenges,
and provides new and novel opportunities and diagnosis pathways that will be critical in sup-
porting elimination of schistosomi...asis.
Malawi is a landlocked country with a surface area of 118,484 km2. Administratively, the country is divided into three regions, namely the Northern, Central and Southern regions. The country has 28 districts, which are further divided into traditional authorities (TA) ruled by chiefs. The TAs are su...b-divided into villages, which form the smallest administrative units. The Village Development Committees (VDCs) under the TAs are responsible for development activities. Politically, each district is divided into constituencies that are represented by Members of Parliament (MPs) in the National Assembly for purposes of legislations. Constituencies are further divided into wards which are represented by a ward councillor at district assembly.
During the Programme Managers’ Review Meeting of Central and East Africa and South-East Asia (online meeting, June 2022), experts proposed additional regional and national subtargets related to VL incidence, as defined below. These targets can be revisited as progress is reviewed and access to dia...gnosis and treatment and surveillance improves.
The Lancet Regional Health - Americas 2024;30: 100681
Published Online 3 February 2024
This report on global leishmaniasis surveillance follows those published in 2016–2023.2–6 Six indicators of leishmaniasis are publicly available from the Global Health Observatory (GHO).7 In addition to the GHO, country profiles with up to 30 indicators are published, with detailed data received... from 45 Member States.
Available in French and English
Vigilancia por laboratorio de la Enfermedad de Chagas en Colombia – 2024
The Lancet Regional Health Americas Volume 37100832 September 2024
Health communication has proven to play a crucial role in addressing diseases such as dengue, Zika and chikungunya, for which there are no definitive or easily accessible vaccines. In this context, this discipline becomes a fundamental tool to promote the change behavior and promote preventive pract...ices that reduce the transmission of these diseases. By not having a definitive medical solution, accurate and timely information, effectively disseminated through educational campaigns, media and communication channels public health, can significantly influence individual and community actions to control the spread of these mosquito-borne viruses. The accumulated research around the threat of the aforementioned arboviral diseases brings together a series of recommendations around specific communication activities, such as disseminating timely and accurate information that integrates public health concerns and the needs of information of the population, especially vulnerable groups such as women of childbearing age, pregnant women and health workers.
La enfermedad de Chagas es originaria de Sudamérica, Centroamérica y México, regiones donde se estima que hay cerca de 8 millones de afectados y 20.000 muertes anuales.
La fascioliasis es una enfermedad parasitaria que afecta a las personas y a una gran variedad de animales, esencialmente herbívoros. En América Latina y el Caribe está causada por el trematodo Fasciola hepatica. La fascioliasis está clasificada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) de las enfermedades tropicales desatendidas. La Organización Panamericana de la Salud, como parte del compromiso para lograr las metas de la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible y la Agenda de Salud Sostenible para las Américas 2018-2030, lanzó una iniciativa de eliminación de las enfermedades transmisibles en la Región de las Américas, que incluye entre sus objetivos eliminar la fascioliasis como un problema de salud pública en la Región de las Américas para el año 2030.
Actual. Sida Infectol. || Fundación Huésped - Sociedad Argentina de Infectología || ISSN 2718-7845
Han transcurrido tres años completos desde la puesta en marcha de la Hoja de Ruta para las Enfermedades Tropicales
Desatendidas 2021-2030. Los datos sobre los progresos realizados comienzan a proporcionar información sobre las perspectivas de que se cumplan las metas fijadas para 2030.
PLOS Glob Public Health 4(12): e0004035. https://doi. org/10.1371/journal.pgph.0004035.
A new formulation of praziquantel, arpraziquantel (arPZQ), has been developed for preschool-
aged children (PSAC) to fill the treatment gap for this age group in schistosomiasis control and
elimination program...s. There is now a priority to ensure that the drug reaches all at-risk PSAC
in endemic areas, including hard-to-reach areas and populations. This study aimed to deter-
mine schistosomiasis treatment-related contextual factors among fishermen and island popu-
lations in Homa Bay County, Kenya, and to identify a suitable platform to deliver arPZQ.
A manual for impact assessments. The SCH Practical and Precision Assessment (SPPA) strategy is an evidence-based approach for conducting impact assessments for SCH. The SPPA was identified by programme managers and SCH experts from the African region as a feasible and sufficiently accurate approach ...after reviewing and discussing the results of a multi-country study. This manual describes the resulting Practical and Precision Assessments approach and includes a discussion of the underlying concepts, factors to consider when determining what approach is appropriate, and how to interpret the collected data. The manual also includes annexes with standard operating procedures for conducting the stool and urine analyses.
Creative Development and Formative Research Report