Cursos online y Actualización Profesional: Para mejorar el acceso a la atención integral de la enfermedad de Chagas
Lancet Infectious Disease Volume 24, Issue 4p386-394April 2024
Weekly epidemiological record WER9948-707-717
In English and French
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 18(4): e0012111.
Mass population movements have accounted for the emergence of Chagas disease (CD) outside endemic regions,
including the European Union/European Economic Area (EU/EEA). The parasite responsible for causing CD,
Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi), can be transmitted through substances of human origin (SoH...O), such as blood
transfusions and organ transplantations [1], posing a risk to the recipients. This, together with congenital
transmission, is of increasing concern in non-endemic countries
Chagas disease poses a public health problem in Latin America, and the electrocardiogram is a crucial tool in the diagnosis and monitoring of this pathology. In this context, the aim of this study was to quantify the change in the ability to detect electrocardiographic patterns among healthcare p...rofessionals after completing a virtual course
Recognizing neglected tropical diseseases through changes on the skin.
App for Android and IOS, free of charge. The App is available in English and French, with plans to explore translations into other languages, such as Portuguese and Spanish, to better serve diverse communities.
A patient's skin... is the first and most visible structure of the body that a healthcare worker encounters during an examination. It is also highly visible to the patient, and any disease that affects it can be felt and has an impact on personal and social wellbeing. The skin is therefore an important entry point for diagnosis and management. Many human diseases are associated with changes in the skin, ranging from symptoms such as itching to changes in colour, feel and appearance.
The most recent estimate of the global number of deaths from dog-mediatedrabies is 59 000 per year.1 Rabies is associated with a 99.9% fatality rate and severe trauma in families in which a rabies death
occurs, and remains a major publ...ic health concern in most of Africa and Asia and some parts of South America
Trois années se sont écoulées depuis le lancement de la feuille
de route pour les maladies tropicales négligées 2021-2030. Les
données sur les progrès commencent à fournir des indication
Parasite Epidemiology and Control Volume 27, November 2024, e00380
The planning and implementation of intervention measures against schistosomiasis, particularly mass administration, require knowledge of the current status of the infection. This is important for monitoring the impact of the interve...ntion on disease indicators such as a decline in infection prevalence, intensity of infection, and urogenital morbidities. Following repeated rounds of mass treatment in northwestern Tanzania, the epidemiology of urogenital schistosomiasis has changed; thus, for the effective planning and allocation of resources, it is important to understand the current status of the disease in the targeted groups
he tool will also provide visualization of the results after the SPPA is carried out. This protocol helps to plan surveys and mass drug administration activities that are more efficient and effective than what is done currently. The tool is being piloted in Kenya for schistosomiasis and designed suc...h that it can be expanded to other countries and programs. As of April 2024, you can open the tool to review geographic areas that are more/less environmentally suitable for the transmission of Schistosomiasis, analyze historical prevalence data, and determine which administrative units are to receive practical or precision assessments.
The Lancet Volume 5, Issue 10100972October 2024 Chagas Disease Serie 3
The Schistosomiasis Consortium for Operational Research and Evaluation (SCORE) was established in December 2008 to answer strategic questions about schistosomiasis control and elimination. SCORE was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation through a grant to the University of Georgia Research F...oundation (UGARF). SCORE activities were completed September 2020.
This report represents the WHO-supported NTDs program activities and key performances in 2023. It is categorized into three sections: The first section states on the disease targeted for eradication (Guinea worm disease); the second section is on the
Preventive Chemotherapy (PC)-NTDs (Trachoma, ...Schistosomiasis, Soil Transmitted Helminthiasis, Onchocerciasis and Lymphatic Filariasis) and the third section is focused on the case management NTDs (Leishmaniasis, Leprosy, Human African
Trypanosomiasis, Noma and other skin NTDs).
Cureus 16(2): e53933. DOI 10.7759/cureus.53933
760 WEEKLY EPIDEMIOLOGICAL RECORD, NOS. 51/52, 20 DECEMBER 2024, pp.760-769. In French and English
Weekly epidemiological recordRelevé épidémiologique hebdomadaire 3 MAY 2024, 99th YEAR / 3 MAI 2024, 99e ANNÉE
No 18, 2024, 99, 203–224
The WHO position papers are concerned primarily with the use of vaccines in large-scale vaccination programmes.
The position papers are intended for use by... national public health officials and managers of immunization programmes.
This paper focuses on the second licensed dengue vaccine, TAK-003 (Qdenga, Takeda), along with WHO’s position for its use, and provides an update on the first licensed dengue vaccine, CYD-TDV.