These twelve case studies are intended to be used as the basis for group work and class discussion in both, formal and non-formal educational settings for health professionals and their students. Accompanying teaching notes are available for teachers and trainers upon login at the Case Centre.
OppiaMobile is a mobile learning platform for delivering learning content, video and quizzes. All the content and activities can be accessed and used even when no internet connection is available. When a connection becomes available, tracking and quiz scores are sent back to the server for tutors, t...eachers and trainers to track the progress of their learners. Learners earn points and badges for completing activities and modules
you can install following modules: Antenatal Care; Postnatal Care; Labour and Delivery Care; Nutrition; IMNCI
Ziel des Projektes ist es, den in Deutschland bisher unterrepräsentierten Bereich Global Health sichtbarer zu machen und gleichzeitig einen Anreiz für Fakultäten zu schaffen, sich hier vermehrt zu engagieren. Des Weiteren soll das Ranking interessierten und kritischen Studierenden eine Mö bieten, sich über die Universitätslandschaft und die eigene Universität zu informieren. Für all jene, die sich Veränderungen an ihrer Universität wünschen, bietet das Ranking eine Grundlage für evidenzbasierte Forderungen.
Außerdem soll das Ranking der Politik einen Überblick in der Global Health Forschungslandschaft Deutschlands bieten. Es soll den Status Quo mit Positivbeispielen und gravierenden Defiziten darstellen und helfen noch ausschöpfbare Handlungsspielräume zu erkennen und zu nutzen.
The Global Health eLearning Center offers courses aimed at increasing knowledge in a variety of global health technical areas. Courses that have been translated and can be found on the Translation page.
Accessed 6 March 2019.
E-learning Resources for Global Health Researchers : Many organizations offer no- and low-cost e-learning resources to those working in the field of global health research. Resources include training courses, MOOCs and course materials (presentations, videos, reading lists, visual aids, articles), ...resource centers and resource networks.
Accessed 6 March 2019.
World Bank Open Data: Free and open access to global development data Also available in Spanish, French, Arabic and Chinese
Accessed 26 February 2019.
In 2015, UNICEF launched ΛGORΛ, its Global Hub for Learning and Development. ΛGORΛ is an innovative platform that facilitates global access to learning opportunities, and provides planning and reporting solutions for its users. Services are tailored to meet the needs of UNICEF staff, partners a...nd any interested members of the public
Learn the principles guiding humanitarian response to modern emergencies, and the challenges faced in the field today.
Accessed 6 March 2019.
Global Health TV enables health organizations and the global health community to share their work to address complex global health problems with a diverse audience made up of health-care professionals, health foundations, businesses, government agencies, academic institutes and interested parties. ...
Accessed 6 March 2019.
Gapminder is an independent Swedish foundation with no political, religious or economic affiliations. Gapminder is a fact tank, not a think tank, it fights devastating misconceptions about global development and produces free teaching resources making the world understandable based on reliable stati...stics. Gapminder promotes a fact-based worldview everyone can understand.
Accessed 4 March 2019.
The World Population Dashboard showcases global population data, including fertility rate, gender parity in school enrolment, information on sexual and reproductive health, and much more. Together, these data shine a light on the health and rights of people around the world, especially women and yo...ung people. The numbers here come from UNFPA and fellow UN agencies, and are updated annually.
Accessed 26 February 2019
Creating Videos to train health workers and serve communities.
Global Health Media Project designs and develops videos that are tailored to the needs of health workers and populations in low-resource settings. Internet and mobile technology give us the power to reach large numbers, cost-effectively... and across vast distances, resulting in significant impact at minimal cost per patient.
AGGE is a co-operation of the Medical Mission Institute (MMI), the German Institute for Medical Mission (DIFÄM) and the Institute of Public Health at the University of Heidelberg (IPH).
We are all working in the field of Global Health. This is our common platform for capacity building and learning....
Accessed 5 March 2019.
The OECD carries out work on health data and indicators to improve international comparisons and economic analyses of health systems.
Accessed 26 February 2019.