Find out how many vaccine doses have been given in your country using WHO’s COVID-19 dashboard
Over 18 months into the pandemic, WHO continues to conductglobal surveillance of COVID-19as part of activities on preparedness, readiness and response activities. The need for global surveillance of COVID-19 is greater than ever, asthe implementation of vaccination campaigns and the appearance of va...riants are prone to impact the course of the epidemic, as transmission patterns evolve. Timely and complete surveillance data are key to monitoring these changes.
Features include stratification by age and sex, trends over time, case fatality ratios by age, testing, hospitalization, and data on health workers –all visible at country and regional levels. The dashboard provides the ability for users to conduct further analyses by country and selected time period.
Interactive maps; country profiles and Studies
The Dashboard is designed to consolidate and present up-to-date data on food crisis severity, track global food security financing, and make available global and country-level research and analysis to improve coordination of the policy and financial re...sponse to the crisis.
It will bring together disparate and vast information on food security into one place, to help reduce transaction costs, improve transparency, and strengthen analysis. It can also help speed up financing by highlighting funding needs and gaps. The goal is to inform a coordinated global food crisis response while also helping to advance medium to long-term food security interventions.
PERC has developed a dashboard on Tableau to visualize multidisciplinary data and guide decision-makers on their country’s current performance of the COVID-19 response.
COVID-19 Vaccine Introduction Readiness Assessment Tool (VIRAT2), developed by WHO-PAHO, UNICEF, World Bank, Gavi, and other partners is a tool to help prepare countries for the introduction a COVID-19 vaccine.
It provides a roadmap for introduction and a structured framework for countries to self-...monitor their readiness progress against key milestones. It includes an excel template for Ministries of Health to complete with support from partners and PAHO Country Offices.
The VIRAT dashboard helps countries highlight the critical activities and technical areas that should be initiated, continued, or strengthened. Also, it allows PAHO and partners to identify areas where support may be needed and identify alternative forms to mobilize resources.
An interactive tool for partners, manufacturers, and countries to follow the developments of the COVID-19 vaccine market with up-to-date information.
As the designated COVAX procurement coordinator and procurement agent, UNICEF has launched the COVID-19 Vaccine Market Dashboard – an interactive ...tool for countries, partners and industry to follow the developments of the rapidly evolving COVID-19 vaccine market and the efforts of the COVAX Facility to ensure fair and equitable access for every country in the world.
In this first release, the dashboard provides a regularly updated overview of the global research and development pipeline, the projected production capacity, publicly announced bilateral and multilateral supply agreements, as well as reported price points.
This dashboard includes the number of reported confirmed cases from countries/territories/areas of the WHO Western Pacific Region
A technical package of five essential interventions with key elements to strengthen country health data and information systems and enable governments to track progress towards the health-related SDGs and national and subnational priorities.
The WHO/AFRO Ebola dashboard has the most up to date numbers available.
The dashboard is based on assessments made by the International Preparedness Strengthening missions to 14 priority countries against each of the activities outlined in the WHO EVD Checklist at the time of each mission. Updates indicating progress against each of the indicators will be added on an o...ngoing basis.
This dashboard is a visualization of a study of global vaccine acceptance
Global and Regional View of Vaccine Acceptance and Related Behaviors.
This new interactive tool captures information on knowledge, attitudes and behaviors around vaccines, masking, testing and more from 12 million people in 115 countries.
Insights and analyses on how to use the data were written researchers and social and behavior change communication experts at CCP in collaboration with WHO’s Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network. This site is intended to be used by policy makers, health officials and practitioners at national and subnational levels to better understand the behavioral drivers behind vaccine uptake, masking and physical distancing among other behaviors that affect the spread of COVID-19.
Detaillierte Fallzahlen in Deutschland: Dashboard
Eine detaillierte Darstellung der übermittelten COVID-19-Fälle in Deutschland nach Landkreis und Bundesland stellt das COVID-19-Dashboard ( bereit
Brazil Coronavirus(COVID-19) statistics. Total and daily confirmed cases and deaths.
The Global AMR R&D Hub collects and presents information on AMR R&D investments, products and market interventions. To position itself as the key knowledge centre for AMR R&D the work of the Hub is strategically aligned into three key pillars that encompass guiding and supporting evidence-based deci...sion making; enhancing collaboration and coordination; and promoting awareness, knowledge and visibility in the field.
Please find the latest interactive infographic on the website Click any chart or on the map to filter the data set