This third booklet of the World Drug Report 2022 has a dual focus: opioids and cannabis.
The first chapter of the booklet provides an overview of opioids as a group of substances and their patterns of non-medical use at the global level. It also reviews the latest trends in the global supply of opi...ates and synthetic opioids and the availability of pharmaceutical opioids for medical consumption. Issues specific to regional patterns and trends in opioid markets are also analysed, including the opioid crisis in North America and in Africa and the Middle East. The chapter also includes a discussion of the potential impact, in the region and worldwide, of changes in opium poppy cultivation and opium production in Afghanistan. reireg
Perspectivas sobre las drogas
Perspectives sur les drogues
Conseils pour les parents de jeunes de 11 à 16 ans
5e édition remaniée, novembre 2016
An update from the EU Early Warning System
Tips for parents of 11 to 16 year olds
5th revised edition, November 2016
Mental Health First Aid Guidelines
World Drug Report 2018
Die BePrepared-App wurde speziell für junge Geflüchtete entwickelt. Das alltagsnahe Tool unterstützt mit informativen Texten und interaktiven Übungen einen sicheren Umgang mit Alkohol und Cannabis. Anders als viele bestehende Angebote der Suchtprävention ist die BePrepared-App als digitales Ang...ebot in fünf Sprachen verfügbar (Arabisch, Deutsch, Englisch, Farsi und Paschtu), sodass sie jede:r ohne Hilfe, an jedem Ort, zu jeder Zeit anonym und kostenlos nutzen kann.
Perspectives sur sur les drogues
SCOPING QUESTION: Which psychosocial interventions are effective in the management of cannabis dependence?
Perspectivas sobre las drogas
The pamphlet "Marijuana" explains the effects and risks of cannabis use. It describes THC, the psychoactive compound in cannabis, which binds to cannabinoid receptors in the brain, causing effects like relaxation, altered perception, and euphoria. Short-term effects include red eyes, hunger, and anx...iety, while long-term effects may involve memory loss, lung problems, and slowed brain development, especially with early and frequent use. It highlights the potential for negative impacts on mental and physical health while noting there are no direct deaths solely from marijuana use. The pamphlet provides links to resources for further information and recovery options.