From 2011 until 2016, a multi-actor programme was run in five countries to improve the life chances and living conditions of people experiencing exclusion and marginalisation of various kinds. This programme worked with local leaders, organisations and movements as well as various institutions and a...uthorities
focusing on older people, those with mental health issues, people with disabilities, ethnic minorities, people displaced by war and youth at risk. Many initiatives were developed that had lasting effects on the ways in which these groups valued themselves and in which they are valued by society.
Social Determinants of Health Discussion Paper 1 (Debates). This paper was prepared for the launch of the Commission on Social Determinants of Health (CSDH) by its secretariat based at WHO in Geneva. It was discussed by the Commissioners and then revised considering their input.
Standard Treatment Guideline
Mainstreaming Gender in Water and Sanitation
In the aftermath of the April 2015 earthquake in Nepal, this paper looks at lessons drawn from previous comparable disasters and seeks to provide invaluable information and assistance to the operational agencies responding to the crisis.
Towards the Peoples Health Assembly Book -2
Examination of the business behavior of Boehringer Ingelheim, Bayer and Baxter in India
This document provides an overview of the evidence of nutrition gains that can be achieved with improved WASH, a description of key WASH practices, and practical knowledge and guidance on how to integrate WASH into nutrition programmes, including important monitoring and evaluation (M&E) aspects. Th...e document concludes by providing a suite of case-studies and lessons learnt in integrating WASH with nutrition efforts
An Overview of Current Evidence with Recommendations for Strengthening Community Health Worker Programs to Accelerate Progress in Achieving the Health-related Millennium Development Goals
Stories of how people in Georgia, Laos, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan and Vietnam made inclusive development happen in their societies. It contains significant experiences andlessons learnt about the practice of inclusive development for a wide range of excluded or marginalised groups, useful for policy-mak...ers, programme designers, local authorities, development practitioners and community leaders alike.
excreta disposal in emergencies
Snakebite is an acute life threatening time limiting medical emergency. It is a preventable public
health hazard often faced by rural population in tropical and subtropical countries with heavy
rainfall and humid climate.
For practitioners in humanitarian and development contexts