Children with disabilities are particularly vulnerable in humanitarian settings, yet they are often not able to access the services and protection they need. While multiple factors create these barriers, a major cause is how data about children with disabilities is collected and mapped. Data collect...ion processes often exclude or underrepresent the views of children with disabilities and thier caretakers. When the experiences of children with disabilities and their caretakers are not defined and collected, they become excluded from mainstreamed protective services, which are meant to serve all children. Children with disabilities also do not get the specialised interventions they need.
This guidance note explores how to use qualitative methods to create more robust assessment processes to ensure more effective programming and services for children with disabilities. This note provides promising practices for engaging with children with disabilities and includes sample tools that can be tailored to fit the needs of a particular assessment process. The note also explores the importance of thoughtful cross-sectoral responses so that children with disabilities, and their families, are carefully considered in areas like water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), education, health, and nutrition, and therefore receive the holistic support they need and deserve.
This note is intended for a broad audience of relevant child protection actors, including practitioners, coordination groups, researchers, and donors. The information is not limited to one type of humanitarian setting, geographic region, or culture. As a result, the practices and guidance should be adapted to each specific context, ideally in partnership with well-informed local actors, such as representatives from local organisations for persons with disabilities.
This Training Manual is developed based on the Child Protection Working Group Interagency Guidelines for Case Management. The Facilitator’s Guide provides guidance on the key steps to take before, during and after training, including customizing the training to different contexts and audiences.
Accessed on 31.03.2020
This Guidance Note aims to provide humanitarian child protection practitioners, particularly child protection advisors and program managers, with guidance on how to engage in responses to infectious disease outbreaks to ensure children’s protection needs are taken into ac...count in preparedness for, and during responses to, the outbreaks. The Guidance Note draws upon lessons learned during infectious disease outbreaks globally in a variety of contexts.
Infectious diseases like COVID-19 can disrupt the environments in which children grow and develop. Disruptions to families, friendships, daily routines and the wider community can have negative consequences for children’s well-being, development and protection. In addition, measures used to preven...t and control the spread of COVID-19 can expose children to protection risks. Home-based, facility-based and zonal-based quarantine and isolation measures can all negatively impact children and their families.
The aim of this brief is to support child protection practitioners to better respond to the child protection risks during a COVID-19 pandemic. Part 1 presents the potential child protection risks COVID-19 can pose to children. Part 2 presents programmatic options in line with the 2019 Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS) and the Guidance Note: Protection of Children During Infectious Disease Outbreaks.
البيئات التي ينمو ّ ) (والمعروف باسم كورونا 19- بوسع الأمراض المعدية مثل كوفيد أن تعط وينشأ فيه
الأطفال. ويمكن أن يؤدي التعطيل الذي تتعرض له ا لأسر والصداقات والبرامج ...اليومية والمجتمع المحلي إلى تبعات سلبية على صحة الأطفال ونمائهم وحمايتهم. إضافة إلى ذلك، يمكن أن تتعرض ،بصورة أشمل والسيطرة عليه. 19- أليات
Enfermedades infecciosas como el COVID-19 pueden alterar los entornos donde niños, niñas y adolescentes crecen y se desarrollan. Cambios que desestabilizan a la familia, las amistades, la rutina diaria y la comunidad en general o pueden tener consecuencias negativas en el bienestar, el desarrollo ...y la protección de la niñez y adolescencia. Además, las mismas medidas emprendidas para prevenir y controlar la transmisión del COVID-19 pueden conllevar riesgos de protección en niños, niñas y adolescentes. Las medidas de cuarentena y aislamiento en el hogar, las instalaciones o zonas concretas pueden afectar negativamente a los niños, las niñas y sus familias.
Este documento aspira a brindar apoyo a los profesionales de la protección de la niñez y adolescencia para que puedan responder de manera más eficiente a los riesgos de protección durante la pandemia del COVID-19. En la 1ª Parte se presentan los posibles riesgos en materia de protección de la niñez y adolescencia que puede generar el COVID-19, mientras que en la 2ª Parte se ofrecen opciones programáticas que se adhieren a las normas mínimas para la protección de la niñez y adolescencia en la acción humanitaria (NMPI o CPMS, por sus siglas en inglés) de 2019 y la nota orientativa sobre la protección de la niñez y adolescencia durante brotes de enfermedades infecciosas (enlaces en inglés).
Les maladies infectieuses comme le COVID-19 peuvent perturber l’environnement dans lequel les enfants grandissent et se développent. Les bouleversements qui affectent les familles, les relations avec les amis, les routines quotidiennes et l’ensemble de la communauté peuvent avoir des répercus...sions négatives sur le bien-être, le développement et la protection des enfants. En outre, les mesures appliquées pour prévenir et contrôler la propagation du COVID-19 peuvent exposer les enfants à des risques pour leur protection. Les mesures de quarantaine et d’isolement au domicile ainsi que dans des installations ou des zones spécifiques peuvent affecter de façon négative les enfants et leur famille.
L’objectif du présent document est d’aider les professionnels de la protection de l’enfance à mieux faire face aux risques dans ce domaine lors d’une pandémie de COVID-19. La première partie présente les risques potentiels pour la protection de l’enfance auxquels le COVID-19 peut exposer les enfants. La seconde partie décrit des options programmatiques conformes à l’édition 2019 des Standards minimum de protection de l’enfance dans l’action humanitaire (SMPE) et à la Note d’information : Protection des enfants lors d’épidémies de maladies infectieuses (en anglais).
What school closures under COVID-19 mean for children and young people in
crisis-affected contexts
ثیوبری هی 19 ّبی يفًَی ًهیز وٍَیذ تَاًٌذ هختل وٌٌذُ هحیف ّبیی ثبضٌذ وِ وَدوبى در آًْب رضذ هی وٌٌذ. اختلال ّبیی وِ در ایي ضزایف در خبًَادُ، رٍاثف دٍستبًِ، فًبلیت ّبی رٍ...سهزُ ٍ در سكحی ٍسیى تز در اجتوبو ایجبد هی هی، ضَد تَاًذ پیبهذّبی هٌفی ثز ثْشیستی، رضذ، تَسًِ ٍ حوبیت اس وَدوبى اًجبم هی 19 داضتِ ثبضذ. يلاٍُ ثز آى الذاهبتی وِ ثِ هٌهَر پیطگیزی ٍ وٌتزل ضیَو ٍیزٍس وٍَیذ ضَد ًیش هی تَاًذ هخبقزاتی را در سهیٌِ حوبیت اس وَدوبى ثِ ّوزاُ داضتِ ثبضذ .ثِ يٌَاى ًوًَِ لزًكیٌِ خبًگی، لزًكیٌِ هجتٌی ثز هزاوش یب ًَاحی یب ایشٍلِ ضذى در یه هحیف هحذٍد اس جولِ هَاردی ّستٌذ وِ هی ذ تبحیزات هٌفی ثز وَدوبى ٍ خبًَادُ ٌ تَاً 2 ّبیطبى ثگذارد. ّذف اس هختػزی وِ در اداهِ هی آیذ پطتیجبًی اس وسبًی است وِ در سهیٌِ حوبیت اس وَدوبى فًبلیت هی وٌٌذ تب ثتَاًٌذ پبسخگَیی ثْتزی ًسجت ثِ هخبقزات حوبیت اس وَدوبى در سهبى ّوِ گیزی ٍیزٍس وزًٍب داضتِ ثبضٌذ. در ثخص اٍل ثِ خكزات ثبلمَُ ی حوبیت اس وَدوبى در دٍرُ ّوِ گیزی ٍیزٍس پزداختِ ضذُ ٍ در ثخص دٍم ثزًبهِ19وٍَیذ حوبیت اس ٍ )2019 ّبی پیطٌْبدی ثز اسبس حذالل استبًذاردّبی حوبیت اس وَدوبى در الذاهبت ثطزدٍستبًِ(
وَدوبى در سهبى ضیَو ثیوبری ّبی يفًَی آهذُ است.
Оказание поддержки специалистам-практикам и лицам, ответственным за разработку политики в области защиты детей, с целью поставить безопасность и благополучие реб...енка во главу угла в их ответных мерах в связи с пандемией КОВИД-19.
child safety in times of COVID-19
The Child Protection handbook provides a synthesis of good practice and learning and enables better advocacy and communication on child protection risks, needs and responses. Standards addressing child protection needs cover core work areas and critical issues. Those addressing strategy relate to management, community-based child protection, child-friendly spaces and protection of excluded children. A fourth set of standards gives guidance on how workers in other sectors can ensure that their programmes are accessible and beneficial to children. DOCUMENT ALSO AVAILABLE IN: Arabic, Chinese, French, Indonesian, Korean, Spanish, Turkish, Urdu on
Данная техническая записка, которая подготовлена на основе информации из отчетов на местах, рассматривает
проблемы, с которыми могут сталкиваться дети, по мере то...го как страны внедряют политики карантина и
приказы оставаться дома, чтобы ограничить распространение COVID-19. Затем представлены защитные
стратегии профилактики и реагирования, целью которых является укрепление защиты детей во всех типах
protecting children from violence, abuse, and neglect in the home
COVID-19 gibi bulaşıcı hastalıklar, çocukların büyüyüp geliştiği ortamlara zarar verebilir. Ailelerde, arkadaşlıklarda, günlük rutinlerde ve toplumda yaşanan aksamalar çocukların iyi olma hali, gelişimi ve korunması bakımından olumsuz sonuçlar doğurabilir. Ayrıca, COVID-19...un yayılmasını önlemek ve kontrol altına almak için uygulanan tedbirler, çocukları korumayla ilgili risklere maruz bırakabilir. Evlerde, kurum ve kuruluşlarda ve bölgelerde uygulanan karantina ve izolasyon tedbirlerinin çocuklar ve aileleri üzerinde olumsuz etkileri olabilir
Bu bilgilendirmenin amacı, COVID-19 pandemisi sırasında çocuk koruma risklerine daha iyi müdahale edebilmeleri için çocuk koruma uzmanlarına destek sunmaktır. 1. Bölümde COVID-19’un çocuklar açısından ortaya çıkmasına neden olabileceği olası çocuk koruma riskleri sunulmuştur. 2. Bölümde ise İnsani Yardım Hareketinde Çocuk Korumaya Yönelik Asgari Standartlar (2019) ile Kılavuz Notu: Bulaşıcı Hastalık Salgınları Sırasında Çocukların Korunması belgelerine uygun program seçenekleri sunulmuştur.
Children living in humanitarian crises face an increased risk of abuse. While the threats of harm are increasing, the established systems in place to protect them are breaking down. Faced with the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts, vulnerable families suffer multiple hardships. Schools are closed an...d families have been pushed to the brink of poverty, sometimes having been denied the opportunity to protect and provide for their children.
The report provides an in-depth analysis of 19 Humanitarian Response Plans and Refugee Response Plans from 2019
Malattie infettive come il COVID-19 possono implicare una interruzione delle attività negli ambienti in cui i bambini crescono e si sviluppano. Tali interruzioni, che coinvolgono famiglie, amicizie, routine quotidiane e la comunità nel suo senso più ampio, possono avere conseguenze negative sul b...enessere, lo sviluppo e la protezione dei bambini.
Zarazne bolesti kao što je virus COVID-19 mogu poremetiti okruženje u kojem djeca rastu i razvijaju se. Remećenje u odnosu sa porodicom, prijateljima, svakodnevnim aktivnostima i široj zajednici može imati negativne posljedice na dobrobit, razvoj i zaštitu djece. Pored toga, mjere koje se pri...mjenjuju kako bi se spriječilo i suzbilo širenje virusa COVID-19 mogu djecu izložiti rizicima u pogledu njihove zaštite. Karantin i mjere izolacije u kućama, objektima i određenim zonama mogu imati negativan utjecaj na djecu i njihove porodice.
Cilj ovog dokumenta je da pruži podršku stručnjacima koji rade na polju zaštite djece kako bi na bolji način odgovorili na rizike za zaštitu djece za vrijeme pandemije virusa COVID-19. U prvom dijelu govori se o tome kakav rizik virus COVID-19 može predstavljati za djecu u smislu njihove zaštite. U drugom dijelu izložene su programske opcije u skladu s Minimalnim standardima za zaštitu djece u humanitarnim akcijama iz 2019. godine (CPMS) i Smjernicama: Zaštita djece za vrijeme epidemija zaraznih bolesti.