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Website last accessed on 31.03.2023
Chagas Disease - Learn about the causes, symptoms, diagnosis & treatment from the MSD Manuals - Medical Consumer Version.
The article "Malaria – MSD Manual Professional Edition" provides a comprehensive overview of malaria, an infection caused by Plasmodium species. It describes symptoms such as fever, chills, and anemia, explains diagnostic methods like parasite detection in blood smears, and discusses treatment opt...ions including artemisinin-based combination therapies. In addition, it outlines prevention strategies such as medical prophylaxis and mosquito control measures. The article is intended for medical professionals and offers detailed information on the pathophysiology, clinical presentation, and management of malaria.
Marburg and Ebola are filoviruses that cause hemorrhage, multiple organ failure, and high mortality rates. Diagnosis is with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), or electron microscopy. Treatment is supportive. Strict isolation and quarantine measures are necessary to ...contain outbreaks.
Chagas disease is caused by Trypanosoma cruzi. Infection is transmitted to humans when bitten by Triatominae (reduviid, kissing, or assassin) bugs in South and Central America, Mexico, and very rarely in the US. Less commonly, T. cruzi is transmitted via ingestion of sugar cane juice or food contami...nated with infected Triatominae bugs or their feces, transplacentally from an infected mother to her fetus, or via blood transfusion or an organ transplant from an infected donor.
Dengue is a mosquito-borne disease caused by a flavivirus. Dengue fever usually results in abrupt onset of high fever, headache, myalgias, arthralgias, and generalized lymphadenopathy, followed by a rash that appears with a recurrent fever after an afebrile period. Respiratory symptoms, such as coug...h, sore throat, and rhinorrhea, can occur.
Arbovirus (arthropod-borne virus) is defined as any virus that is transmitted to humans and/or other vertebrates by certain species of blood-feeding arthropods, mostly insects (flies and mosquitoes) and arachnids (ticks). Arbovirus is a descriptive term based on transmission by vectors with characteristics. It is not part of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses classification of viruses (ie, it is not a species, genus, or family), which is based on the nature and structure of the viral genome
La página enlazada del Manual MSD para el hogar aborda el tema de la diarrea en niños. Proporciona información detallada sobre las causas, síntomas, procedimientos de diagnóstico y opciones de tratamiento de la diarrea en la infancia. Además, destaca los signos de advertencia que podrían problemas de salud más graves. La página subraya la importancia de prevenir y tratar la deshidratación, que puede ocurrir rápidamente en niños con diarrea. Los padres y cuidadores encontrarán valiosos consejos para el cuidado y manejo de los niños que padecen diarrea.
MSD Manual Patient information
MSD Manual Professional Version
MSD Manual Consumer Version
This module introduces the “Vaccinator’s Manual”, a guideline for vaccinators. The aim of the manual is to update EPI guidelines to include all the changes since the third edition of the Vaccinators Manual (2008)
El maltrato infantil incluye la perpetración de violencia física, sexual y psicológica o emocional, y el descuido de bebés, niños, niñas y adolescentes de 0 a 17 años por parte de progenitores, cuidadores y otras figuras de autoridad, con mayor frecuencia en el hogar, pero también en entorno...s como escuelas y orfanatos. Es un problema importante de salud pública y
una violación de los derechos humanos fundamentales, incluido el derecho a la vida, el derecho a la protección contra todas las formas de violencia y el derecho al goce del grado más alto posible de salud. El maltrato infantil puede tener consecuencias negativas graves y, a menudo, de por vida para la salud mental y física, la salud sexual y reproductiva, el desempeño
académico y la vida social.