Over the course of their lives, women spend more time with children than men. Because young children are the reservoirs of trachoma infection, contact with them can result in more frequent trachoma infection. This gender-specific exposure to trachoma risk factors places women at a higher risk for tr...achoma infections and subsequent blindness. Although both men and women can develop trichiasis, the odds of trichiasis are greater among women than men.
The year 2020 is the target date for the elimination of blinding trachoma as a public health problem. There has been great progress, and there is unprecedented funding available – particularly from DFID, the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust, and USAID. There is also reason for optimism that, ...over the next five years, further success will be seen in many endemic countries. In order to achieve elimination,
The second edition of the Women and Trachoma: Achieving Gender Equity in the Implementation of SAFE manual provides an updated resource for realistically increasing, improving, and supporting gender representation within trachoma elimination efforts at all levels. From the trachoma workforce to the ...patients, from trichiasis surgeons to schoolteachers, and from national to international managers and coordinators, the manual breaks down the various levels of trachoma elimination programming to highlight the areas where women and girls can have a greater impact in elimination effort
Assurer l’égalité des genres dans l’application de la stratégie CHANCE
This guide has been written for managers of national and district trachoma control programmes. It sets out, step-by-step, what is needed to assess the magnitude and extent of the trachoma problem in the area and how to plan, implement, monitor and evaluate a programme to control, and ultimately elim...inate, trachoma.
How to successfully apply for, administer, and manage the Zithromax® donation for trachoma elimination
Comment réussir à demander, administrer et gérer les dons de Zithromax® pour l’élimination du trachome
Como aplicar, administrar e gerir com sucesso a doação Zithromax® para eliminação do tracoma
)الرمد الحبيبي( وتوزيعه وإدارته للقضاء عىل التراخوما Zithromax® كيفية التقدم بنجاح للحصول عىل تبرع
The Zithromax® Supply Chain Assessment Tool is designed to guide assessment team members through a series of interviews
with key informants and to establish inspection procedures when conducting logistics field assessments. The protocol allows
the assessment team to examine the readiness of the N...ational Trachoma Control Program and the District- level health
management structures to receive, manage, distribute and administer donated Zithromax® for mass drug administrati
La herramienta de evaluación de la cadena de suministro de Zithromax® está diseñada para guiar a los miembros del equipo de
evaluación a través de una serie de entrevistas con informantes clave y para establecer procedimientos de inspección al realizar
evaluaciones de la logística. El prot...ocolo permite al equipo de evaluación, examinar la preparación del Programa Nacional de Control del Tracoma y las estructuras de gestión de salud a nivel de Distrito para recibir, gestionar, distribuir y administrar el Zithromax® donado para la administración masiva de medicamento
Cet outil d’évaluation de la chaîne d’approvisionnement du Zithromax® est conçu pour aider les membres de
l’équipe d’évaluation au travers d’une série d’entretiens avec les principaux informateurs et pour mettre en place des
procédures d’inspection lorsque l’on procède à ...des évaluations de la logistique sur le terrain. Ce protocole permet à
l’équipe d’évaluation d’examiner le niveau de préparation du programme national de lutte contre le trachome et de la
capacite des structures de gestion sanitaire dans le district à recevoir, gérer, distribuer et administrer les dons de
Zithromax® destinés aux campagnes de traitement de masse
Crédito da foto: Brent Stirton/ Getty Images para a International Trachoma Initiative
International Trachoma Initiative
Ferramenta de Avaliação da Cadeia de Abastecimento
do Zithromax®
A Ferramenta de Avaliação da Cadeia de Abastecimento do Zithromax® foi projetada p...ara orientar os membros da equipe de
avaliação, por meio de uma série de entrevistas com informantes-chave e, estabelecer procedimentos de inspecção ao realizar
avaliações logísticas no terreno. O protocolo permite que a equipe de avaliação examine a prontidão do Programa Nacional de
Controle do Tracoma e das estruturas de gestão de saúde ao nível distrital para receber, gerir, distribuir e administrar o
Zithromax® doado para a sua Administração em Massa de Medicamentos
The Zithromax® Supply Chain Assessment Tool is designed to guide assessment team members through a series of interviews
with key informants and to establish inspection procedures when conducting logistics field assessments. The protocol allows
the assessment team to examine the readiness of the N...ational Trachoma Control Program and the District- level health
management structures to receive, manage, distribute and administer donated Zithromax® for mass drug administrati
Height- and Age-Based Dosing for Azithromycin POS and Tablets
Height- and Age-Based Dosing for Azithromycin POS and Tablets
More and more countries are completing their epidemiological mapping of trachoma in suspected
endemic districts and are preparing to distribute Zithromax® in those districts where the prevalence of
“trachomatous inflammation – follicular” (TF) is above 5% among children aged 1-9 years. Mass... drug
administration (MDA) is normally at the district level and targets the whole population with Zithromax®
tablets to those 5 years old and above; Zithromax® suspension for children between 6 months and 5
years of age; and tetracycline eye ointment 1% for infants up to 6 months old.