Creating Videos to train health workers and serve communities.
Global Health Media Project designs and develops videos that are tailored to the needs of health workers and populations in low-resource settings. Internet and mobile technology give us the power to reach large numbers, cost-effectively... and across vast distances, resulting in significant impact at minimal cost per patient.
The first clinical series is on newborn care and will consist of brief vignettes that “bring to life” internationally accepted newborn care guidelines
Available in different languages
These short videos are very helpful to train health professionals, midwives and mothers
You can download videos in different languages
The Story of Cholera was produced in collaboration with award-winning animator Yoni Goodman.
This animation covers cholera transmission, prevention, signs, and care in a simple and accessible way. The film follows evidence-based guidelines, has been field-tested, and reviewed for accuracy and conte...nt. Download flashcards and mobil phone versions from the website
This film shows how to draw up the BCG vaccine and the correct technique for giving an intradermal injection.
The birth of a small baby often can be predicted. This video—for health workers—shows how to prepare for the small baby’s special needs at birth. This video is available in English and the below languages:
Bangla, French, Nepali, and Spanish
This video shows the range of foods that provide the best nutrition for a healthy growing young child.
The Story of Cholera was produced in collaboration with award-winning animator Yoni Goodman.
This animation covers cholera transmission, prevention, signs, and care in a simple and accessible way. The film follows evidence-based guidelines, has been field-tested, and reviewed for accuracy and conte...nt. Download flashcards and mobil phone versions from the website
This video shows examples of babies with many of the signs of critical illness and includes the first care of the sick baby before referral.
All small babies are at risk of problems after birth. This video—for health workers—shows how to classify a small baby to determine further care. This video is available in English and the below languages:
Bangla, French, Hindi, Khmer, Nepali, and Spanish
This film shows the essential features of a referral process. It covers involving the family, arranging transport, preparing the baby for the journey, and writing the referral note. It also includes what to do if referral is not an option.
The first clinical series is on newborn care and will consist of brief vignettes that “bring to life” internationally accepted newborn care guidelines.
This video shows important features of a home visit for a newborn in the week after birth, focusing on care and assessment.
Global Health Media are sharing the videos under a Creative Commons license: Attribution, No Derivatives, No Commercial Use.
The videos are to be used ‘in whole’ and cannot be altered in any way.
They reserve the right to publish the name of your organization and country on our website.... Please register before downloading.
You can download different formats for Laptop; Tablet; Mobilephone...
This film shows how to assess a laboring woman and the signs that indicate the need for transfer to a higher-level facility.
This animation—produced in collaboration with International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, UNICEF, and Yoni Goodman—brings to life key messages that help people see and understand how Ebola spreads and how to protect themselves and their communities.
Après la naissance du bébé, l'accoucheur doit préserver la santé et celle du bébé et l'aider à prendre un bon départ dans la vie. Cette vidéo montre ce à quoi il faut s'attendre dans les premières heures qui suivent la naissance.
This video shows how to prepare and draw up ampicillin and gentamicin for injection for a young baby.
Following the birth of your baby, your birth attendant must safeguard the health of both you and your baby and help your baby get off to a good start in life. This video will show what to expect in the first few hours right after birth.