Creating Videos to train health workers and serve communities.
Global Health Media Project designs and develops videos that are tailored to the needs of health workers and populations in low-resource settings. Internet and mobile technology give us the power to reach large numbers, cost-effectively... and across vast distances, resulting in significant impact at minimal cost per patient.
Diabetes Online courses - Global Health Media
The first clinical series is on newborn care and will consist of brief vignettes that “bring to life” internationally accepted newborn care guidelines
Available in different languages
These short videos are very helpful to train health professionals, midwives and mothers
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Annual and medium-term budget preparation processes are the platforms through which specific plans are transformed into actual resource allocation decisions. The aim of this Process Guide is to support key stakeholders involved in these processes (such as the Cabinet, Ministries of Finance and Healt...h, the Parliament, citizens, media, and civil society organizations) to reorient budgetary arrangements in order to facilitate the ability of national governments to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic by delivering, therapeutics, diagnostics, and vaccine services to their populations. Reorienting budgetary arrangements positions governments to sustain the capacity to mitigate and respond to COVID-19 while concurrently delivering other essential health services and working towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC). The reorientation process is an opportunity to better align budgetary arrangements to sustain systemic capacity to prevent emerging health threats over the short, medium, and long terms.
Our OppiaMobile learning platform offers a wide variety of courses on primary health care to enhance the training of health workers worldwide.
These mobile-ready content includes quiz questions, and features video content from Medical Aid Films, Global Health Media Project, and other contributors.... It provides a source of information that can be used for both pre-service and in-service training and to reinforce critical health messages, so that health workers feel confident and empowered to deliver effective services in their communities.
Content adaptation is an iterative process, and Digital Campus will continue to improve its content with additional media and quizzes. All courses are created in Moodle, an open source learning platform used by millions of educators and learners in over 200 countries.
You can find courses for : Antenatal Care ; Postnatal Care; Labor and Delivery Care, Open WASH Courses....
Breast pain in a breastfeeding mother is commonly caused by one of three problems: engorgement, blocked ducts, or breast infections. This video shows how to evaluate and treat these 3 conditions.
Within the first few hours after birth, most healthy newborns will instinctively move to their mother’s breast and attach on their own. This video shows early breastfeeding initiation through the journeys of 3 newborns and ways to support the practice with mothers and staff.
We bring care to life. Engaging, crystal clear, short, and practical, our videos enable learners of all levels to easily understand, and remember critical teaching points.
Nipple pain in a breastfeeding mother is common but not normal. It often happens when women first start breastfeeding and is usually due to the baby not attaching deeply. This video shows how to evaluate and help mothers with nipple pain.
This video shows how to identify and manage eye infections in the young baby.
Accessed 12 March 2015
This animation uses the “visible germ” to help people immediately grasp how easily the coronavirus is transmitted. The film uses simple and visual ways to teach prevention practices that can help people protect themselves and others at home and in their community.
Ther videos are available in... more than 30 languages for free download for your personal and non-commercial use. To access the download pages, you need to "Login.
This video shows how to draw blood from a baby in 3 different ways: with a needle, with a syringe and needle, and with a butterfly.
Accessed 12 March 2015
Good attachment will help a baby get more milk and make breastfeeding more comfortable. This video shows why good attachment is so important to breastfeeding success and how to help mothers deeply attach the baby to the breast.
Breastfeeding is natural, but a skill that takes time and practice. With observation and tactful guidance, health workers can help mothers prevent problems and succeed with breastfeeding. This video shows how to observe and support a breastfeeding mother using the breastfeeding observation aid.
A common concern of a new mother is whether her baby is getting enough milk. This video shows signs to tell whether the baby is feeding well and how to increase the baby’s milk intake.
The way a mother holds her baby affects how easy it is for her baby to feed effectively. This video shows basic points important for any position and then demonstrates several common positions that have worked well for many mothers and babies.
Expressing breastmilk can relieve breast fullness, soften the breasts, and make it easier for the milk to flow. It is also important to maintain a mother’s milk supply during separation and make milk available for someone else to feed the baby. This video shows how to hand express breast milk and to safely store it for later use.
This film shows a mother with engorged breasts and suggests ways she can try to resolve the condition.
The Story of Cholera was produced in collaboration with award-winning animator Yoni Goodman.
This animation covers cholera transmission, prevention, signs, and care in a simple and accessible way. The film follows evidence-based guidelines, has been field-tested, and reviewed for accuracy and conte...nt. Download flashcards and mobil phone versions from the website