Policy Brief. More languages available here https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/179517
Durante muchos años, la enfermedad de Chagas ha sido una entidad olvidada en nuestro medio, pese a que Colombia posee las condiciones apropiadas para que esta infección se desarrolle y se perpetúe en el tiempo.
Esto se refleja en el poco conocimiento de la enfermedad y en la existencia de muchos... individuos que sufren una pérdida significativa de su calidad y esperanza de vida, así como en costos importantes para el sistema de salud.
Int J Health Geogr. 2002; 1: 5.
Published online 2002 Dec 20. doi: 10.1186/1476-072X-1-5
PMCID: PMC149400
PMID: 12537588
Es un material destinado principalmente a docentes y personas vinculadas de alguna manera con la
promoción de la salud y la educación
Print version ISSN 1809-9823On-line version ISSN 1981-2256
Rev. bras. geriatr. gerontol. vol.19 no.2 Rio de Janeiro Mar./Apr. 2016
Peru celebrates 200 years of independence in 2021. Over this period of independent life, and despite the turbulent socio-political scenarios, from internal armed conflict to economic crisis to political instability over the last 40 years, Peru has experienced major changes on its epidemiological and... population health profile. Major advancements in maternal and child health as well as in communicable diseases have been achieved in recent decades, and today
Peru faces an increasing burden of non-communicable diseases including mental health conditions. In terms of the configuration of the public health system, Peru has also strived to secure country-wide optimal health care, struggling in particular to improve primary health care and intercultural services.
The goal of asthma treatment is to obtain clinical control and reduce future risks to the patient. To reach this goal in children with asthma, ongoing monitoring is essential. While all components of asthma, such as symptoms, lung function, bronchial hyperresponsiveness and inflammation, may exist i...n various combinations in different individuals, to date there is limited evidence on how to integrate these for optimal monitoring of children with asthma. The aims of this ERS Task Force were to describe the current practise and give an overview of the best available evidence on how to monitor children with asthma.
22 clinical and research experts reviewed the literature. A modified Delphi method and four Task Force meetings were used to reach a consensus.
This statement summarises the literature on monitoring children with asthma. Available tools for monitoring children with asthma, such as clinical tools, lung function, bronchial responsiveness and inflammatory markers, are described as are the ways in which they may be used in children with asthma. Management-related issues, comorbidities and environmental factors are summarised.
Despite considerable interest in monitoring asthma in children, for many aspects of monitoring asthma in children there is a substantial lack of evidence.
Otros trastornos
Capítulo H.5.1
Edición: Matías Irarrázaval & Andres Martin
Traductores: Fernanda Prieto-Tagle & Iván Olle Llopis
“¿De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de Chagas? Estrategias y recursos
didácticos para abordar el tema en diferentes contextos educativos” es
un proyecto de extensión de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata a través
del cual buscamos promover el abordaje de la problemática del Chagas,
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