The context of the Ebola epidemic presented extreme challenges for Oxfam, as it did for many organisations. At the onset of the epidemic, there was a general lack of understanding of the disease and how to respond to it effectively and safely. A pervasive and persistent climate of fear, coupled with... changing predictions about the likely evolution of the epidemic, influenced analysis and response at all levels. There was strong pressure to treat the epidemic as a medical emergency requiring a medical response – organised through topdown processes – rather than standard humanitarian coordination
N Engl J Med 2015; 372:e7January 29, 2015DOI: 10.1056/NEJMimc1414101
A 52-year-old woman presented in September 2014 to an Ebola treatment unit operated by the International Medical Corps in Liberia, reporting a 5-day history of fever and muscle and joint pain. She also reported the development of ...headache, anorexia, nausea, mild diarrhea, and mild chest pains in the preceding 1 to 2 days. She noted no mucosal or gastrointestinal bleeding, abdominal pain... Go to thee website link to start
The present book deals not only with emergency response, but also with measures designed to reduce the impact of disasters on environmental health infrastructure, such as water supply and sanitation facilities. It also aims to strengthen the ability of people to withstand the disruption of their acc...ustomed infrastructure and systems for environmental health (e.g. shelter, water supply, sanitation, vector control etc.) and to recover rapidly.
Policy Brief. More languages available here
Annals of Global Health,Vol.81,No.2, 239-247
At the 2008 inaugural meeting of the Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH),participants discussed the rapid expansion of global health programs and the lack of standardized competencies and curricula to guide these programs. In 2013, CUGH a...ppointed a Global Health Competency Subcommittee and charged this subcommittee with identifying broad global health core competencies applicable across disciplines
Environmental Health in Emergencies and Disasters
Annex 6
Environmental Health in Emergencies and Disasters
Chapter 10
Annex of Environmental Health in Emergencies and Disaster; page 245 - 252
Information in Tables 1–4 summarizes the actions of the World Health Organization,
the International Atomic Energy Authority, other international organizations, and local
health authorities in response to a nuclear acci...dent, in compliance with the Convention
on Early Notification and the Assistance Convention.
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR):
Estas orientaciones provisionales se han elaborado a partir de las recomendaciones que hizo el Grupo de Expertos de la OMS en Asesoramiento Estratégico en materia de inmunización (SAGE) en su reunión extraordinaria del 15 de marzo de 2021 [1], y que fueron actualiza...das en su reunión extraordinaria del 27 de mayo de 2021 [2].
Update, 23 de junio de 2022
Dieses Praxismanual entstand im Rahmen des an der Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie des Universitätsklinikums Ulm mit Unterstützung der World Childhood Foundation durchgeführten Projektes „Traumaspezifische Diagnostik und Behandlung von Pflegekindern und Sensibilisierung der für die speziellen Bedürfnisse und Rahmenbedingungen von Pflegekindern. Mit diesem Praxismanual soll eine Vernetzung von Jugendhilfe und Gesundheitssystem aufgezeigt werden, mit dem Ziel der umfassenden traumaspezifischen Diagnostik und Behandlung von Pflegekindern abzielt
Die Risiken für Kinder, Opfer sexüller Ausbeutung zu werden, haben in den vergangenen Jahren eher zu- als abgenommen. Dies stellte Ende 2013 die Sonderberichterstatterin der Vereinten Nationen zum Thema Prostitution von Kindern fest. Neben Sklaverei ist Kinderprostitution eine der offensichtlich i...llegalen Formen von Zwangsarbeit, um die es in der Studie von Autorinnen und Autoren des Südwind-Instituts geht, die von Terre des hommes herausgegeben wurde.