-Operations Directory
-Year 2010 (2067 Nepalese)
-By the Government of Nepal, Ministry of population and Health, Health service department, National health training centre.
Location: Teku, Kathmandu.
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms; Latest version from 2010.
For versions in French, Italian, German and Russian check:
The Organisation of African Unity (OAU) Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa takes into account the unique aspects of the refugee situation on the African Continent. The 1951 Geneva Convention definition of refugees as "persons fleeing a well-founded fear of persec...ution" had not considered several problems encountered by African refugees and was too narrow within the African context. As a result, Article One of the OAU Convention adds a second paragraph to extend the definition of the term "refugee" and include external aggression, occupation, foreign domination or events seriously disturbing public order as causes of migration and flight.
The document contains both the English and the French versions of the original text.
For versions in Arabic, Kirundi, Russian and Spanish check also:
To promote greater understanding of emergency preparedness, response and recovery, the UNESCO office in Kathmandu and Nepal’s Non Formal Education (NFE) Center of the Ministry of Education, have produced, “Education in Emergencies: Self-learning Materials for Non-Formal Education”. The textboo...ks intersperse interesting graphics with stories and poems to convey potentially life-saving lessons in education in emergenciesemer
WHO regional publications. Western Pacific series ; no.3
The book has three main parts. The first part describes research in Viet Nam conducted on medicinal plants in line with the national policy of developing a system of medicine and pharmacy that integrates the modern and traditional systems. Th...e second part, which constitutes the core of the book, describes and illustrates the 200 most valuable species of wild and cultivated medicinal plants in Viet Nam. Each plant species is first documented by a full colour drawing illustrating the plant's distinctive features and natural colours. Explanatory notes for each species provide a concise description of the plant and give local names, flowering period, geographical distribution, parts used, chemical composition, and therapeutic uses. Information on indications and dosage is also provided.
To facilitate retrieval of information, the third part indexes plant species according to botanical name, Vietnamese name, and English name.
Large File to download: 75 MB!
El desarrollo de los pueblos y muy especialmente el de aquellos que se esfuerzan por escapardel hambre, de la miseria, de las enfermedades endémicas, de la ignorancia; que buscan unamás amplia participación en los frutos de la civilización, una valoración más activa de suscualidades humanas; q...ue se orientan con decisión hacia el pleno desarrollo, es observado por laIglesia con atención. Apenas terminado el segundo Concilio Vaticano II, una renovada toma deconciencia de las exigencias del mensaje evangélico obliga a la Iglesia a ponerse al servicio delos hombres para ayudarles a captar todas las dimensiones de este grave problema yconvencerles de la urgencia de una acción solidaria en este cambio decisivo de la historia de lahumanidad.
Le développement des peuples, tout particulièrement de ceux qui s'efforcent d'échapper à la faim, a la misère, auxmaladie endémiques, à l'ignorance; qui cherchent une participation plus large aux fruits de la civilisation, une mise envaleur plus active de leurs qualités humaines; qui s'orien...tent avec décision vers leur plein épanouissement, est considéréavec attention par l'Eglise. Au lendemain du deuxième Concile œcuménique du Vatican, une prise de consciencerenouvelée des exigences du message évangélique lui fait un devoir de se mettre au service des hommes pour les aiderà saisir toutes les dimensions de ce grave problème et pour les convaincre de l'urgence d'une action solidaire en cetournant décisif de l'histoire de l'humanité.
What is high blood pressure in pregnancy?
Blood pressure is the force of your blood pushing against the walls of your arteries as your heart pumps blood. High blood pressure, or hypertension, is when this force against your artery walls is too high. There are different types of high blood pressure ...in pregnancy:
Gestational hypertension is high blood pressure that you develop while you are pregnant. It starts after you are 20 weeks pregnant. You usually don't have any other symptoms. In many cases, it does not harm you or your baby, and it goes away within 12 weeks after childbirth. But it does raise your risk of high blood pressure in the future. It sometimes can be severe, which may lead to low birth weight or preterm birth. Some women with gestational hypertension do go on to develop preeclampsia.
Chronic hypertension is high blood pressure that started before the 20th week of pregnancy or before you became pregnant. Some women may have had it long before becoming pregnant but didn't know it until they got their blood pressure checked at their prenatal visit. Sometimes chronic hypertension can also lead to preeclampsia.
Preeclampsia is a sudden increase in blood pressure after the 20th week of pregnancy. It usually happens in the last trimester. In rare cases, symptoms may not start until after delivery. This is called postpartum preeclampsia. Preeclampsia also includes signs of damage to some of your organs, such as your liver or kidney. The signs may include protein in the urine and very high blood pressure. Preeclampsia can be serious or even life-threatening for both you and your baby.
- The Facts About High Blood Pressure
- Understanding Blood Pressure Readings
- Health Threats from High Blood Pressure
- Get Down With Your Blood Pressure
- Learn How to Monitor Your Blood Pressure at Home
- Let's Talk About Blood Pressure
- Support That Empowers
The World Health Organization (WHO) released its first-ever report on the devastating global impact of high blood pressure, along with recommendations on the ways to win the race against this silent killer. The report shows approximately 4 out of every 5 people with hypertension are not adequately t...reated, but if countries can scale up coverage, 76 million deaths could be averted between 2023 and 2050.
These are one pagers for the NCD staff to refer as check points during measuring blood pressure for 18 year & above or 30 years & above patients based on the state's requirement
These are one pagers for the NCD staff to refer as check points during measuring blood pressure for 18 year & above or 30 years & above patients based on the state's requirement.
The World Health Organization's fact sheet on physical activity emphasizes its critical role in maintaining health and well-being. It outlines the benefits of regular physical activity, such as reducing the risk of noncommunicable diseases like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and certain cancers. T...he document provides specific recommendations for different age groups, detailing the amount and intensity of physical activity needed to achieve health benefits. It also addresses the global prevalence of physical inactivity, highlighting the need for policies and interventions to promote active lifestyles.
Die Webseite des Bundeszentrums für Ernährung (BZfE) bietet ein Unterrichtsmodul für die Sekundarstufe ab Klasse 8 an, das den Nutri-Score thematisiert. Dieses Material soll Schülerinnen und Schüler befähigen, den Nutri-Score beim Einkauf differenziert und reflektiert zu nutzen. Es umfasst Leh...rerinformationen mit Unterrichtsverlauf, zwei Arbeitsblätter mit Lösungsvorschlägen sowie neun Materialkarten mit Produktbeispielen und sechs Rechercheaufträgen. Ziel ist es, den Jugendlichen ein Verständnis für die Bedeutung und Grenzen des Nutri-Score zu vermitteln und sie zu einer kritischen Auseinandersetzung mit dem Nährwertlogo anzuregen.
The document presents a systematic analysis of dietary risks and their health impacts in 195 countries from 1990 to 2017. It highlights that suboptimal diets, such as those high in sodium and low in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, significantly contribute to non-communicable diseases like hear...t disease, stroke, and diabetes. The study emphasizes the urgent need for improved dietary habits and policy interventions to reduce diet-related mortality and morbidity globally.
The NIH webpage discusses how dietary habits influence the risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. It highlights that both excessive and insufficient intake of certain foods and nutrients can increase mortality risk from these conditions, emphasizing the importance of a balanced diet for... better health.
The "Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases 2013-2020," published by the World Health Organization (WHO), provides a roadmap to reduce premature deaths from noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. It emphasizes strengthening he...alth systems, implementing preventive measures, and setting global targets to combat risk factors such as tobacco use, unhealthy diets, physical inactivity, and harmful alcohol use. The plan encourages national policies, international cooperation, and multisectoral actions to improve health outcomes worldwide by 2025.
Більшості людей відомо, як підтримувати своє фізичне здоров’я в тонусі – завдяки правильному харчуванню чи щоденному руху. Також усі знають, що сприятливе навкол...шнє середовище та благотворна атмосфера на роботі позитивно впливають на нас. Та чомусь про здоров’я психічне говорять занадто мало.
Die meisten Menschen wissen, wie sie ihre körperliche Gesundheit fördern können – etwa durch eine gesunde Ernährung oder tägliche Bewegung. Es ist auch allgemein bekannt, dass eine intakte Umwelt und ein gutes Arbeitsumfeld der Gesundheit zuträglich sind. Psychische Gesundheit wird dagegen k...aum thematisiert. Viele von uns haben zwar Rezepte gegen Krisen und sind in der Lage, den alltäglichen Stress mehr oder weniger gut zu bewältigen. Doch was tun, wenn einem alles über den Kopf zu wachsen droht?