An international field study by African and German Theologicans and health workers
Recommandations francaises pour la prise enc harge du chikungunya
Médecine e tmaladies infectieuses 45(2015)243–263
Ann Indian Acad Neurol. 2015 Sep; 18(Suppl 1): S2–S5.
doi: 10.4103/0972-2327.164812
PMCID: PMC4604693
PMID: 26538844
Evidence from Low and Middle Income Countries
June 2015
Training Menus, Facilitation Tips, and Participatory Training Modules
From Individual to Collective healing: A trainer’s manual
The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) is a global federation of national associations of pharmacists and
pharmaceutical scientists. In order to support these associations in their fight against AMR, FIP has prepared this
briefing document. It is an overview of the different activities ...that community and hospital pharmacists are involved
into prevent AMR and to reverse AMR rates.
A guide for Regional Workshop and Hospital Technicians
A all for global Action. The Oral Health Atlas. Second edition
Textes du Codex concernant la résistance aux antimicrobiens d’origine alimentaire
Textos del Codex sobre la resistencia a los antimicrobianos transmitida por los alimentos
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major global public health concern and a food safety issue. When pathogens become r...esistant to antimicrobial agents they can pose a greater human health risk as a result of potential treatment failure, loss of treatment options and increased likelihood and severity of disease
DHS Analytical Studies No. 51
Child Health, Family Planning, Geographic Information, HIV, Malaria, Maternal Health
tep 1 Competencies have been designed to provide staff with the core skills required to care for a critically ill patient safely, whilst under supervision. It is expected that Step 1 competencies will be completed prior to commencing an academic critical care programme.
Steps 2 & 3 Competencies hav...e been designed to further develop your essential critical care skills and will require enhanced theoretical knowledge to underpin your practice. It is anticipated that Steps 2 & 3 competencies will be undertaken whilst undertaking an academic critical care programme.
Step 4 Competencies have been designed to provide staff with the core skills required to take charge in a critical care unit; building management and leadership capability into your professional development, to demonstrate safe and effective coordination and prioritisation of unit workload, workforce and resources.
You can downlaod any of the Steps Competency Documents from this link
The standard operating procedures (SOP) for referral care cover all the refugee populations living in Lebanon. These SOPs outline the policies and procedures for referral care in Lebanon, including the limits in health assistance that can be provided.