Воспитание детей при COVID-19
Советы родителям по воспитанию и мероприятия для всех возрастов
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21 May 2021. Iinkcukacha neengcebiso ezilungiselelwe emakhaya:
Available in English, Afrikaans and isiXhosa
The "Measure It" page on the Southern African Hypertension Society's website emphasizes the importance of regular blood pressure monitoring. It encourages individuals to measure their blood pressure consistently to detect hypertension early, manage it effectively, and reduce the risk of related heal...th complications.
This website collates information about several vaccination in many different languages. Information can be sorted by vaccination or language index.
Accessed 13th of November 2015.
Please download the latest report directly from here: https://www.paho.org/en/tag/covid-19-situation-reports
Un póster para niños sobre cómo protegerse de Covid-19
In der Videoreihe "Corona Wissen kompakt" werden verschiedene Fragestellungen zum Coronavirus behandelt. In dieser Folge geht es um die Möglichkeiten, sich und seine Mitmenschen zu schützen. 10 Videos zu AHA Regeln, Masken, Ansteckung, Symptome,Quarantäne, Testen, etc.
Die folgenden Empfehlungen sind als Unterstützung und Anregung gedacht, die stets individuell angepasst undabgewandelt werden können. Sie basieren auf unserem Wissensstand vom 18.03.2020.
Воспитание детей при COVID-19
Советы родителям по воспитанию и мероприятия для всех возрастов. Мы любим наших детей и подростков, но стресс от заботы, денег и COVID-19 може...т нас злить. Вот как мы можем контролировать и управлять своим гневом, чтобы не причинять вреда другим.
Parenting tips
For full publication see: https://drtbnetwork.org/tracking-tool-tb-patients-who-meet-criteria-be-screened-mdr-tb
This tracking tool is intended to ensure appropriate microbiologic screening for all potential suspects who meet local criteria for evaluation of MDR-TB. This tool will assist in ident...ifying potential local challenges or bottlenecks, which prevent diagnosing and/or result in long delays between diagnosis and treatment initiation.