This algorithm shows the main actions for contacts of probable or confirmed 2019-nCoV cases. Implementation may be modified depending on the risk assessment for individual cases and their contacts by public health authorities.
A series of graphics providing clear adviceon preparing your workplace for COVID-19
A poster in Creole on how to help protect yourself and your loved ones from contracting and spreading COVID-19.
Was heisst Quarantäne? Weshalb ist diese so wichtig? Was muss ich tun? Was muss ich beachten, um meine Familie zu schützen? Diese und weitere Fragen beantwortet das Plakat „Corona-positiv: Was dann?“ mit vielen Bildern und kurzem Text in 13 Sprachen. Das Plakat ist speziell an die Situation de...r Menschen in Unterkünften angepasst
Tips for caring for older adults. Taking care of an older adult can be both rewarding and challenging, especially during stressful situations like the COVID-19 pandemic.
Könnte ich mich mit dem neuartigen Corona-Virus infiziert haben?