A list of terms found within the Measures Review Database (MRD). This fact sheet defines various terms from the MRD to help users better understand the measures reviews.
A manual for physicians and other senior health workers. This fourth revision of the manual reflects recent clinical experience and research findings in diarrhoea case management. Compared to earlier versions, it includes revised guidelines on the management of children with acute diarrhoea using th...e new reduced (low) osmolarity ORS formulation and using zinc supplements, which have been shown to reduce duration and severity of diarrhoeal episodes, and revised guidelines for the management of bloody diarrhoea. Guidelines in the manual are based on the revised WHO chart that are included at the end of this document.
a selection of 150 commonly used species 2nd. ed.
A new Ebola crisis page that provides an overview of the data available in HDX. The page includes an interactive map of the worst-affected countries, the top-line figures for the crisis, a graph of cumulative Ebola cases and deaths, and over 40 datasets. Go to the website link https://data.hdx.rwlab...s.org/ebola
A key component of epidemic and pandemic preparedness is ensuring systems are in place for real-time information to flow from a trusted source to the people at risk.
In the absence of such information rumours can spread rapidly through social media, resulting in an INFODEMIC. EPI-WIN is the WHO Inf...ormation Network for Epidemics that will provide tailored information to different audiences during a public health event.
EPI-WIN seeks to give everyone access to timely, accurate, and easy-to-understand advice and information from trusted sources on public health events and outbreaks: currently the COVID-19 public health emergency.
A WHO Guideline for Emergency Risk Communication (ERC) policy and practice.
Recent public health emergencies, such as the Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa (2014–2015), the emergence of the Zika virus syndrome in 2015–2016 and multi-country yellow fever outbreaks in Africa in 2016, h...ave highlighted major challenges and gaps in how risk is communicated during epidemics and other health emergencies. The challenges include the rapid transformation in communications technology, including the near-universal penetration of mobile telephones, the widespread use and increasingly powerful influence of digital media which has had an impact on ‘traditional’ media (newspapers, radio and television), and major changes in how people access and trust health information. Important gaps include considerations of context – the social, economic, political and cultural factors influencing people’s perception of risk and their risk-reduction behaviours.
A all for global Action. The Oral Health Atlas. Second edition
A animação “Grandes Guerreiros e Guerreiras” foi produzida pela Rede de Jovens Comunicadores da COIAB Amazônia em parceria com o UNICEF e Fundação Fiocruz e faz parte do projeto Povos Indígenas da Amazônia no Combate à #Covid19, que utiliza elementos da cultura indígena para dialogar co...m o público infantil.
Doe sem sair de casa: https://bit.ly/3d9JUyd
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O canal oficial do UNICEF BRASIL é a sua principal fonte para a atuação direta do UNICEF no Brasil, documentários, apoio de celebridades e mais sobre o nosso trabalho em defesa dos diretos de cada criança por todo o mundo.
Para saber mais sobre o trabalho do UNICEF BRASIL, acesse: https://www.unicef.org/brazil/
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a full range of completely free GxP training courses. They do not provide certificates but give you a quick and easy access to quality training resources wrapped in a pleasant, interactive and easy to digest form.
A module from the suite of health service capacity assessments in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, Interim Guidance 20 October 2020.
This self-assessment tool is designed for acute health-care facilities (i.e. tertiary and secondary) but can be modified for the use in long-term care facilities..., to help identify, prioritize and address the gaps in infection prevention and control (IPC) capacity in managing their response to COVID-19. The tool should be used by IPC professionals and/or those responsible for disaster planning or outbreak management in the facility (such as the response to the COVID-19 outbreak) at the start of the improvement process. A sample workplan template is provided to address gaps identified and record required actions.
A collection of articles and other resources on the Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak, including clinical reports, management guidelines, and commentary.
A review of Save the Children’s work to promote the rights of children with disabilities
A publication about girls escaping natural disasters and violent conflict in Eastern Africa
Children are on the move. In East Africa region, it is estimated that over 5 million children have migrated across borders or been forcibly displaced in their own country.
Forcable displacement is p...ushing more and more children out of their homes and communities, escaping the violence of war and conflict, only to fall vulnerable to other forms of violence. Girls are particularly vulnerable and need extra protection.
Every day, girls on the move in East Africa face a variety of rights violations, including:
• Exploitation and violence
• Being separated from their families
• Deprivation of essential services
• Use and recruitment by armed groups
• Sexual abuse
• Child marriage
This report highlights concerns that girls in eastern Africa face and calls on international and national decision makers to prevent and end violence that children face when they are forced to flee their homes.
A Snapshot of European Collection Schemes
A common concern of a new mother is whether her baby is getting enough milk. This video shows signs to tell whether the baby is feeding well and how to increase the baby’s milk intake.
A learning resource for facilitators, parents, caregivers, and persons with cerebral palsy | Version 1 - Released March 2008
A new publication - Waste Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic: from response to recovery - reviews current practices for managing waste from healthcare facilities, households and quarantine locations accommodating people with confirmed or suspected cases of COVID-19. Jointly produced by UNEP, th...e Institute for Global Environmental Strategies and the International Environmental Technology Centre, the report considers various approaches, identifies best practices and technologies, and provides recommendations for policy-makers and practitioners to improve waste management, over the long term.
The Countdown country profile presents in one place the best and latest evidence to enable an assessment of a country’s progress in improving reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health (RMNCH)
A maioria das infecções associadas a cuidados de saúde podem ser prevenidas com a correta higienização das mãos, ou seja, a limpeza das mãos nos momentos corretos, e da forma correta. As Diretrizes da OMS de higienização das mãos nos serviços de saúde incentivam a promoção e o aprimora...mento da higienização das mãos em instituições de saúde no mundo todo, e são complementadas pela estratégia multimodal da OMS para aprimoramento da higienização das mãos, bem como o respectivo guia e kit de implementação, que contêm diversas ferramentas práticas, prontas para serem usadas. Este módulo foi preparado para ajudar a resumir as diretrizes da OMS sobre higienização das mãos, as ferramentas associadas e ideias para uma implementação efetiva.