Posters & Infographics on different topics, i.e: vaccination, people with high risk of severe Covid-19, for families, work, school, hand hygiene, care at home, public transport
You can download different versions (mp4 or mov)
Across the world more than 420 million people are living with diabetes. Two thirds of these have not yet been diagnosed. When discovered late or managed incorrectly, diabetes can damage your heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves, leading to disability and premature death. In fact, more peo...ple are dying of diabetes related diseases than of diseases as HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined.
This film is the Bemba version of our English film: Food for Life - What Pregnant Women Need to Eat
What health professionals need to know. The Online learning course is for nurses, doctors and lay HIV counsellors. It covers the diagnosis of HIV infection, management with and without ARV, opportunistic infections and end-of-life care.
Threats to human rights defenders abroad.
The Amnesty International report highlights “the routine and widespread use of harassment and threats by the Eritrean government and its supporters against Eritrean human rights defenders,” noting that despite the end of war with neighboring Ethiopia, t...he “country is still quite sealed off and the degree of political and civil freedom very limited,” with frequent torture and arbitrary arrests.
Please find here the latest daily updates of the PAHO Region
Global and Regional View of Vaccine Acceptance and Related Behaviors.
This new interactive tool captures information on knowledge, attitudes and behaviors around vaccines, masking, testing and more from 12 million people in 115 countries.
Insights and analyses on how to use the data were written researchers and social and behavior change communication experts at CCP in collaboration with WHO’s Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network. This site is intended to be used by policy makers, health officials and practitioners at national and subnational levels to better understand the behavioral drivers behind vaccine uptake, masking and physical distancing among other behaviors that affect the spread of COVID-19.
Please find here the latest updates & maps
Websites last accessed on 31.03.2023
Dengue testing guidance according to days of symptom onset.
This manual is intended for mid-level rehabilitation workers and primary health care personnel as an educational and instructional tool to use for their work with persons who have sustained traumatic brain injury, their families and members of their communities. The manual contains common medical, p...hysical, cognitive and behavioral consequences of brain injury, and basic information for helping caregivers and community members, including teachers and potential employers.
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