The failure to protect the people most vulnerable to climate change is especially alarming given the steady increase in the number of climate and weather-related disasters. According to the World Disasters Report, the average number of climate and weather-related disasters per decade has increased n...early 35 per cent since the 1990s.
Over the past decade, 83 per cent of all disasters were caused by extreme weather and climate-related events such as floods, storms, and heatwaves. Together, these disasters killed more than 410,000 people and affected a staggering 1.7 billion people.
Western Pac Surveill Response J. 2014 Oct-Dec; 5(4): 34–46.
Published online 2014 Dec 18. doi: [10.5365/WPSAR.2014.5.4.007]
Les retours d’information de la communauté présentés dans le présent rapport ont été recueillis par le biais des personnes chargées de l’engagement communautaire et de la redevabilité (CEA) dans 10pays africains, et grâce à la collecte de données primaires.Il a été demandé aux pers...onnes chargées du CEA de la Société nationale de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge de partager les principales rumeurs, observations, croyances, questions ou suggestions qu’ils entendent dans leur pays et de les classer par ordre de fréquence. Les chargés de mission du CEA ont fourni des informations de cette manière aux pays suivants: Afrique du Sud, Botswana, Burundi, Cameroun, Niger.
La tuberculosis o TB, como se le conoce en inglés, es una enfermedad causada por la bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Estas bacterias por lo general atacan a los pulmones, pero también pueden atacar otras partes del cuerpo, como los riñones, la columna vertebral y el cerebro. Si no se trata ap...ropiadamente, la tuberculosis puede ser mortal
El siguiente documento es elaborado por el Programa Nacional de Control de Cáncer de Mama (PNCM) para la gestión de las diferentes acciones involucradas en la
estrategia de Navegación de Pacientes en Cáncer de Mama.
Se busca poder generar una herramienta para la gestión cotidiana de los/las ...navegadores/as que sirva como guía en la consideración de sus intervenciones, de los tiempos de atención y del abordaje de todo el continuo de cuidado de las personas a las cuales realizan seguimiento.
Acta Med Peru. 2017;34(3):203-7
En el Perú, la elaboración de guías de práctica clínica tiene exigencia normativa desde el año
2005; sin embargo, su desarrollo ha ténido poco énfasis en la calidad metodológica de las mismas, prefiriendo el tipo narrativo. Desde hace varios años se esfuerzos dispersos para mejorar la calidad metodológica, principalmente que su elaboaración esté basada en evidencias científicas. Actualmente se cuenta con una nueva normativa que pone mayor enfasis en esta exigencia y algunas instituciones ya trabajan para adecuarse a estandares internacionales y poder generar impactos positivos en nuestro sistema de salud a través del adecuado desarrollo de guias de practica clínica en nuestro pais
The High-Level Panel on International Financial Accountability, Transparency and Integrity for Achieving the 2030 Agenda (FACTI Panel) was convened by the 74th President of United Nations General Assembly and the 75th President of the Economic and Social Council on 2 March 2020. The objective of the... FACTI Panel is to contribute to the overall efforts undertaken by Member States to implement the ambitious and transformational vision of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It is mandated to review current challenges and trends related to financial accountability, transparency and integrity, and to make evidence-based recommendations to close remaining gaps in the international system.
High blood pressure, or hypertension, is one of the most serious risks factors for death from heart diseases and strokes, responsible for 13% of all deaths globally. In South Africa more than 1 in 3 adults live with high blood pressure and it is responsible for 1 in every 2 strokes and 2 in every 5 ...heart attacks. High blood pressure is known as a 'silent killer' because there are rarely any symptoms or visible signs to warn that blood pressure is high. That is why more than 50% of people with high blood pressure are unaware of their condition. In some cases, typically with very high blood pressure, symptoms such as headaches, visual disturbances, nose bleeds, nausea, vomiting, facial flushing and sleepiness may be experienced. Do not wait for symptoms to appear. High blood pressure becomes more likely with older age, but anyone, no matter their age, gender, fitness level or lifestyle can develop high blood pressure. Blood pressure should be measured at least once every year, so don’t delay!
Chronic noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are the number one cause of death and disability in the world.
The term NCDs refers to a group of conditions that are not mainly caused by an acute infection, result in long-term health consequences and often create a need for long-term treatment and care. ...These conditions include cancers, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and chronic lung illnesses.
Many NCDs can be prevented by reducing common risk factors such as tobacco use, harmful alcohol use, physical inactivity and eating unhealthy diets. Many other important conditions are also considered NCDs, including injuries and mental health disorders.
Ethiopia has seen high economic growth over the last decade, but remains a poor country with a high burden of disease. It has made considerable health gains in recent years, mainly by having health policies that focus on extending primary healthcare, using health extension workers. It... has made good use of existing resources,but has a low health expenditure (of around US$21 per capita, and totalling 4per centof GDP). It has a federal system with devolved healthcare financing, whereby block grants are allocated to sectors at regional and woreda(district) level. The challenge now,with the epidemiological transition (and a sense that the ‘low-hanging fruits’have already been gathered in relation to public health), is how Ethiopia, still poor, continuesto invest in health improvements?Human resources for health (HRH) are a critical pillar within any health system –the health staff combine inputs to provide the services, thus affecting how all other resources are used, and they make frontline (and back-office) decisions thatare importantdeterminants of servicequality,effectiveness and equity. HRH is usually the most resource-intensive element within the health system –commonly absorbing 50–70per centof public expenditure onhealth, although the proportions are very varied by individual countries and across regions. As they are commonly part of the public administration, reforms to HRH are also part of a complex political economy in most countries.Assessing value for money (VfM) in relation to HRH is correspondingly complex;across the value chain, manyfactors influence the conversion of inputs into outputs and outcomes (see Figure 1).A more detailed description of the HRH value chain can be found in Annex1.
Guía de prácticas esenciales. Segunda edición
The Zimbabwe National Pharmacovigilance Policy Handbook, 2nd Edition updates the November 2013 version to indicate the Zimbabwe National Pharmacovigilance (PV) Centre’s compliance with the WHO Pharmacovigilance Indicators Handbook 2015.
L’ivermectine est un médicament antiparasitaire approuvé pour le traitement des infections parasitaires, y compris la strongyloïdose et l’onchocercose, chez l’être humain. Récemment, on a indiqué une augmentation de l’utilisation de l’ivermectine pour la prévention et le traitement la COVID-19 par le public dans les États membres de l’Union africaine. Actuellement, il n’y a : 1. Aucune preuve scientifique provenant d’études précliniques sur l’effet thérapeutique de l’ivermectine pour le traitement de COVID-19 2. Aucune preuve de son efficacité clinique pour la prise en charge de patients présentant une COVID-19 asymptomatique, légère, modérée ou sévère 3. Aucune donnée de sécurité concernant l’utilisation de l’ivermectine pour la COVID-19 dans la majorité des études publié
Estas Pranchas para o diagnóstico microscópico da malária servem como guia para laboratoristas e técnicos de campo responsáveis por diagnóstico microscópico da malária pelo método de Giemsa. Também devem ser úteis para professores e alunos de disciplinas correlatas. As pranchas mostram fo...tomicrografias coloridas de lâminas de sangue (esfregaços e gotas espessas), coradas, e texto explicativo sobre as quatro espécies de parasitos causadores da malária humana e sua morfologia. São fornecidas descrições completas de cada espécie, bem como instruções sobre o preparo de lâminas e esfregaços, o uso de soluções tampão, o método de coloração Giemsa, o exame das lâminas e procedimentos para estimar a densidade parasitária. Nada será adicionado sobre knowlesi e simium? Acho importante até para que as pessoas saibam com o que se parecem. Também são descritos outros elementos celulares observados no sangue, bem como vários contaminantes comuns que podem ser confundidos com parasitos da malária.