No one should be harmed in healthcare. And yet, at least five people die every minute of patient safety failures in low and middle income countries alone. We can all do something to save these lives. Join us, commit to Patient Safety. Speak up for Patient Safety
The toolkit provides practical guidance and tools that can support efforts, including planning and implementation activities, to create dementia-inclusive societies.
The toolkit is divided into two parts. Part I contains background information and a conceptual framework for creating dementia-incl...usive societies. Part II includes four practical modules, each featuring a series of practical steps and exercises. The four modules focus on: starting a new dementia-friendly initiative (DFI), integrating dementia into an existing initiative, monitoring and evaluation a DFI, and scaling a DFI. The modules can be used together or separately and offer guidance that can be adapted to suit local needs and settings.
More than two years since the first SARS-CoV-2 infections were reported, the COVID-19 pandemic remains an acute global emergency. In this Strategic Preparedness, Readiness and Response plan for 2022, WHO sets out a number of key strategic adjustments that, if implemented rapidly and consistently at ...national, regional, and global levels, will enable the world to end the acute phase of the pandemic.
Mythbusters. Available in different languages
Bilevel or two-level Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP).
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)
During non-invasive ventilation and between patients
Always read and follow the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer`s manual
Consumables associated with oxygen delivery are genera...lly intended as single use devices, should be treated as infectious material and disposed of accordingly. Dispose of patient interface and filters, for example, as per facility standard operating procedures for infectious/biohazardous waste management
The COVID-19 CARE pathway is a living tool to support health care workers visualize the current clinical and therapeutic recommendations to be considered in the care planning for patients with COVID-19.
The COVID-19 CARE pathway is aligned with the eighth version of the WHO Therapeutics and COVID...-19: living guideline published on the 14 January 2022 and the third version of the WHO COVID-19 Clinical management: living guidance published on the 23 November 2021.
an operational guide to support all those responsible for planning and implementing the rollout of COVID-19 vaccine to refugees and migrants at national and local levels, 14 March 2022
The mhGAP community toolkit: field test version is an integral part of WHO's Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP), and aims at scaling up services for people with mental health conditions to achieve universal health coverage.
The toolkit provides guidance for programme managers on how to i...dentify local mental health needs and tailor community services to match these needs. It offers practical information and necessary tools for community providers to promote mental health, prevent mental health conditions and expand access to mental health services.
Interim rapid response guidance, 10 June 2022.
It includes considerations for certain populations such as patients with mild disease with considerations for community care, patients with moderate to severe disease, sexually active persons, pregnant or breastfeeding women, children and young persons.... The guidance also addresses considerations for clinical management such as the use of therapeutics, nutritional support, mental health services, and post-infection follow-up.
The document provides guidance for clinicians, health facility managers, health workers and infection prevention and control practitioners including but not limited to those working in primary care clinics, sexual health clinics, emergency departments, infectious diseases clinics, genitourinary clinics, dermatology clinics, maternity services, paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology and acute care facilities that provide care for patients with suspected or confirmed monkeypox
Chemoprevention is the use of medicines, either alone or in combination, to prevent malaria infection and its consequences. This publication provides standardized approaches for monitoring and evaluating the efficacy of medicines used for intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy, pe...rennial malaria chemoprevention (formerly known as intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in infants), seasonal malaria chemoprevention and intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in school-aged children. It follows the recent release of new and updated WHO recommendations on these interventions.
first issued 18 August 2022
Prévention des incapacités dans l'ulcère de Buruli : rééducation de base : guide pratique de terrain
Les Lignes directrices de l'OMS sur le paludisme rassemblent les recommandations les plus récentes de l'Organisation pour le paludisme dans une plateforme en ligne conviviale et facile à naviguer.
Les Lignes directrices de l'OMS sur le paludisme remplacent 2 publications précédentes de l'OMS: Lignes directrices pour le traitement du paludisme, troisième édition et les Lignes directrices pour la lutte contre les vecteurs du paludisme. Les recommandations sur le paludisme continueront d'être examinées et, le cas échéant, mises à jour sur la base des dernières données disponibles. Toutes les recommandations mises à jour afficheront toujours la date de la révision la plus récente dans la plate-forme MAGICapp. À chaque mise à jour, une nouvelle version PDF des lignes directrices unifiées sera également disponible en téléchargement sur le site Web de l'O
Map of Distribution of Paragonimiasis, worldwide latest year available.
Foodborne trematodes are a group of diseases that include the parasites Clonorchis, Opisthorchis, Fasciola and Paragonimus. These parasitic flukes have a complex life cycle involving diverse definitive hosts and one or two inte...rmediate hosts. Foodborne trematodes cause infection in humans via the consumption of contaminated food (raw fish, crustaceans or vegetables). Infection can result in severe liver and lung disease and together these diseases are estimated to cause 2 million life years lost to disability and death worldwide every year.
El pian es una treponematosis endémica, un grupo de infecciones bacterianas crónicas causadas por espiroquetas del género Treponema, entre las que se encuentran también la sífilis endémica (bejel) y el mal de pinto. El pian es la más frecuente de las tres.
Soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections are among the most common infections worldwide and affect the poorest and most deprived communities. They are transmitted by eggs present in human faeces which in turn contaminate soil in areas where sanitation is poor.
جُدري القردة مرضٌ معدٍ مستجدٌ، يسبِّبه فيروس ينتقل إلى البشر من الحيوانات المصابة، التي تكون من القوارض في أغلب الأحيان. ويمكن أن تنتشر العدوى به إلى أشخاص آخرين، إ...ا أن انتقال العدوى من شخص إلى آخر لا يمكن أن يؤدي وحده بسهولة إلى حدوث فاشية. ولا تختلف المظاهر السريرية عن تلك التي شوهدت في الماضي مع الجدري، إلا أنها أقل وخامة. وقد تم استئصال الجدري في جميع أنحاء العالم في عام 1980، إلا أن جُدري القردة لا يزال يظهر بشكل متقطِّع في أجزاءٍ من وسط وغرب أفريقيا بالقرب من الغابات الاستوائية المطيرة. ويتراوح معدل إماتة الحالات في فاشيات جُدري القردة ما بين 1-10%، إلا أنه مع الرعاية الملائمة، يتعافى أغلب المرضى. وتوفر هذه الدورة التدريبية مقدمةً عامةً عن جُدري القردة، وهي موجهة إلى العاملين الصحيين المسؤولين عن الوقاية من مرض
The document provides information on stroke (definition, risk factors, symptoms etc.) in a descriptive way.
Ending the neglect to attain the Sustainable Development Goals: a road map for neglected tropical diseases 2021–2030 (“the road map”) sets explicit targets for the elimination of onchocerciasis by 2030, including eliminating the need for mass drug administration (MDA) of ivermectin in at least... one focus in 34 countries, in more than 50% of the population in at least 16 countries, and in the entire endemic population in at least 12 countries. The road map also targets interruption of onchocercal transmission in 12 countries by 2030. Achieving these targets and milestones will require a number of critical actions. These include establishing a well-coordinated global partnership to connect stakeholders and existing partnerships at all levels in order to improve coordination and collaboration, accelerate technical progress, implement a harmonized research agenda and enhance service delivery.