Child Survival Working Group
Accessed: 30.10.2019
The U.S. President‘s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Improvement (QI). The guide provides general information on how to organize, implement and follow up on quality assurance/quality improvement clinical facility and service assessments. At the website you will find checklists intended to be used with the clinical fa...cility assessment guide
BMC Infectious Diseases 2012, 12:352/1471-2334/12/352
This factsheet describes the work and activities of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Mozambique as well as its impact in this country.
Schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease caused by infection with
Schistosoma trematodes. The disease affects poor rural communities
but has spread to urban areas and to tourists visiting endemic areas
В этих новых руководящих принципах рекомендуется использовать упрощенный алгоритм скрининга, основанного на четырех клинических симптомах, для выявления ...иц, которым показана либо ПТИ, либо дальнейшая диагностика для выявления ТБ и других заболеваний.
Guidance Brief
Selected findings from ECDC and EMCDDA scientific guidance, 2018
PLoS Med 16(3): e1002768.
Home delivery and late and infrequent attendance at antenatal care (ANC) are responsible for substantial avoidable maternal and pediatric morbidity and mortality in sub-Saharan Africa. This cluster-randomized trial aimed to de...termine the impact of a community health worker (CHW) intervention on the proportion of women who visit ANC fewer than 4 times during their pregnancy and deliver at home.
This UNAIDS 2024 report brings together new data and case studies which demonstrate that the decisions and policy choices taken by world leaders this year will decide the fate of millions of lives and whether the world’s deadliest pandemic is overcome.
« Programme Renforcement et Décentralisation de la Prévention et de
la prise en charge des PVVIH en RCA »
Adapted from a fact sheet on TB from the International Council of Nurse’s Global TB/MDR-TB Resource Centre at:
Accessed November 2017
Handbook on pregnancy, childbirth, childhood illnesses, child development and the care of children. The handbook, Facts for Life, provides vital messages and information for mothers, fathers, other family members and caregivers and communities to use in changing behaviours and practices that can sav...e and protect the lives of children and help them grow and develop to their full potential.
This version of Facts for Life builds on the three previous editions, which have been helping families and communities around the world since 1989. Newborn Health has been added to the Safe Motherhood chapter, giving attention to child survival from the first stage of life. A new chapter, Child Protection, has been included, focusing attention on the actions needed to ensure children grow up in protective environments.