The consortium is an international public-private partnership that aims to reduce the global disease burden of schistosomiasis by addressing the medical needs of infected children between the ages of 3 months and 6 years. By doing so, we hope to contribute to the ongoing efforts to eliminate schisto...somiasis and improve child health.
Der Wegweiser informiert Betroffene, Angehörige und allgemein am Thema interessierte Menschen zum Thema Depression und gibt ihnen damit die Möglichkeit, diese Störung besser zu verstehen und rechtzeitig nach Hilfsmöglichkeiten zu suchen. 2. Auflage
Erhältlich in Deutsch, Arabisch, Russisch un...d Türkisch.
Within the first few hours after birth, most healthy newborns will instinctively move to their mother’s breast and attach on their own. This video shows early breastfeeding initiation through the journeys of 3 newborns and ways to support the practice with mothers and staff.
Dieser medizinische Sprachführer erleichtert die Kommunikation mit fremdsprachigen Schwangeren.
Mit diesem MedGuide kann man, auch wenn kein Dolmetscher verfügbar ist, eine ausführliche Anamnese erstellen, einen klinischen Befund erheben und der schwangeren Frau bestimmte Behandlungsschritte erl...äutern.
Auf 136 Seiten finden sich neben den Übersetzungen zahlreiche aussagekräftige Illustrationen. Es wurden medizinische Fragen und Antworten ausgesucht, die für die Fraünarzt-Praxis, das Krankenhaus und den Besuch bei der Hebamme notwendige Informationen liefern.
Der „rote“ MedGuide ist für € 24,80 in diesen Ausgaben bestellbar: Deutsch-Arabisch-Farsi (sofort lieferbar), Deutsch-Türkisch-Russisch (vorbestellbar), Deutsch-Tigrinya-Kurdisch (vorbestellbar).
Video :Health Pot about Prevention, Genetic Test, Prevention of Air Pollution and Spirometry.
Unsere Infoboxen zeigen das Ansteckungs-, Erkrankungs- und Sterberisiko für Menschen verschiedenen Alters, wenn sie in Kontakt mit dem Influenza- oder Corona-Virus kommen (z.B. durch engen Kontakt mit einem infizierten Haushaltsmitglied) und die Risiken eines engen Kontaktes für Menschen verschied...enen Alters, wenn man selbst mit dem Influenza- oder Corona-Virus infiziert ist.
Zu jeder Infobox finden Sie im Begleittext Hintergrundinformationen zur Erstellung und zu den dahinter liegenden Daten.
Teaching Cases in Medical Peace Work.
Medical Peace Work is an emerging field of expertise in health work, violence prevention, and peace-building. These interactive cases will introduce you to some of the key concepts, opportunities and dilemmas in the peace health field.
Info-Broschüre über die psychischen Folgen von Traumatisierungen
Die Broschüre kann in Französisch,Italienisch, Englisch, Farsi/Persisch/Dari, Albanisch, Bosnisch/Serbisch/Kroatisch; Türkish, Arabisch und Tamilisch heruntergeladen werden unterörungen
We bring care to life. Engaging, crystal clear, short, and practical, our videos enable learners of all levels to easily understand, and remember critical teaching points.
The Summary of the Global status report on road safety 2023 shows that the number of annual road traffic deaths has fallen slightly to 1.19 million. The report shows that efforts to improve road safety are having an impact, and that significant reductions in road traffic deaths can be made if proven... measures are applied. Despite this, the price paid for mobility remains too high. Road traffic injuries remain the leading killer of children and young people aged 5-29 years. More than half of fatalities occur among pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists, in particular those living in low and middle-income countries. Urgent action is needed if the global goal of at least halving road traffic deaths and injuries by the year 2030 is to be achieved.
The WASH in Ebola DROPBOX (click to access on hte website supports operational agencies responding to Ebola providing all available technical guidelines, manuals, coordination and training related information. The DROP...BOX continues to be updated on regular basis, if you have any relevant documents to share, please send them to
Vaccination au Sénégal selon l’Enquête Continue 2016
MEDBOX Issue Brief no.35: The first issue brief on the NTD Toolbox contains general strategies, roadmaps, key treatment guidelines, reports, and training material on Buruli ulcer, Chagas, and Leishmaniasis.
You can download all diagnostic reference resources from the website:
The latest disease outbreaks around the world notified to the World Health Organization.
Website last accessed on 18.03.2023
Early detection of cases is critical to complete cure with combined antibiotics. In its late stages, Buruli ulcer causes severe destruction of the skin, leading to permanent disability. #BeatNTDs
Webpage providing information about Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) for parents
NGO “Ukrainian Professional Associationfor the Overcoming of Traumatic Events”, which operates the “Psychological Crisis Service” (“УкраїнськаАсоціаціяфахівцівзподоланнянаслідківпсихотравмуючихподій” operating “Псих...логічнаКризоваСлужба”).
The professional association has set itself the dual goals of 1) training professional and volunteers and 2) delivering care for individuals suffering psychological trauma: refugees, soldiers, their families and also hospital staff and volunteers needing psychological support
Working to enhance mental well-being and improve quality of life in communities.
The Friendship Bench project is an evidence-based intervention developed in Zimbabwe to bridge the mental health treatment gap. Our mission is to enhance mental well-being and improve quality of life through the use of... problem solving therapy delivered by trained lay health workers. We focus on people who are suffering from common mental disorders, such as anxiety and depression- kufungisisa.
Die Klimakrise als medizinischer Notfall: Ein einführendes Handout der AG Public Health der bvmd zum Thema Klimawandel und Gesundheit.