Video is a very effective way to communicate complex concepts – like the inter-relational models Side-by-Side rests on – quickly and effectively. Side-by-Side has a small but growing collection of videos. Download and share these videos with caregivers using your social media channels, WhatsApp,... or show them to caregivers on a screen during in-person interactions. These videos should always be shown with sound on.
February 2020Earth's Future 8(2):e2019EF001377.The water planetary boundary attempts to provide a global limit to anthropogenic water cycle modifications, but it has been challenging to translate and apply it to the regional and local scales at which water problems and management typically occur. We... develop a cross‐scale approach by which the water planetary boundary could guide sustainable water management and governance at subglobal contexts defined by physical features (e.g., watershed or aquifer), political borders (e.g., city, nation, or group of nations), or commercial entities (e.g., corporation, trade group, or financial institution).
Para protegerte de las picaduras de moquitos usa ropa de manga larga, pantalones o ropa que te cubra la piel y zapatos cerrados
Psychiatry de l'enfant et pediatrie
Chapitre I.1
Edition en français Traduction : Virginie Stalin
Sous la direction de : Priscille Gérardin Avec le soutien de la SFPEADA
100 méthodes d'essai pour 100 principes pharmaceutiques actifs
Pour les projets Minilab existants qui souhaitent remplacer les anciens manuels ou les initiatives qui veulent lancer de nouveaux projets, la nouvelle "Minilab Edition 2020" peut être obtenue au prix préférentiel de 50 € auprès d...e notre partenaire logistique Technologie Transfer Marburg. L'adresse e-mail est
IPC Training manual Day 1
May 17,2022 MEDBOX Issue Brief no.21
WHO Package of Essential NCD Interventions (PEN)
Accessed March 18,2019
The steps reassert the sequence of the HPC, with needs analysis directly informing decisions about the response and monitoring, whether for the preparation of new plans or adjustments to existing ones. The steps of the HPC have a rationale and cannot be skipped. However, the depth of work under each... step can and should be adapted to the realities of the operating environment and capacities.
This protocol is to help researchers working with freshwater gastropods related to the transmission of schistosomes, and particularly those looking at extracting high quality intact DNA for next generation sequencing purposes. This protocol offers a general outline that can be tailored to the conten...ts, purposes and labs that use them, and may require further refinement to fit users’ needs. the manufacturers of any products mentioned or referenced should be contacted for more information on products, and other/alternative products may be available.
Les maladies chroniques non transmissibles (MCNT) constituent un problème de santé publique. La transition épidémiologique coexiste avec les maladies infectieuses. En Afrique subsaharienne, leur ampleur est peu connue et l'OMS recommande aux pays à faible et moyen revenu de réaliser des enquê...tes STEPS portant sur les comportements, des mesures physiques et biochimiques. L'absence de données au niveau national justifie cette étude auprès d'un groupe spécifique. L'objectif de l'étude était de déterminer la prévalence des MCNT et de leurs facteurs de risque chez les militaires Sénégalais.
Collaboration between The Lancet and Imperial College London, UK, has resulted in a new Commission, which examines how medical technology should best be used to improve health in low- and middle-income countries. The report concludes that in many cases, medical technology—almost exclusively develo...ped in rich countries—is simply inappropriate for use in poorer nations
El presente documento técnico tiene la finalidad de guiar el manejode cuidados intensivosde los pacientes conCOVID-19 con undoble objetivo: lograr el mejor tratamiento del paciente que contribuya a subuena evolución clínica; ygarantizar los niveles adecuados de prevención y control de la... infección para la protección de los trabajadores sanitarios y de la población en su conjunto.
Ein Leitfaden für Fachkräfte in sozialen, pädagogischen und medizinischen Berufen
Snakebite is an acute life threatening time limiting medical emergency. It is a preventable public
health hazard often faced by rural population in tropical and subtropical countries with heavy
rainfall and humid climate.