Le document fournit des directives détaillées pour le diagnostic et la gestion des cas de choléra, en mettant l'accent sur la thérapie de réhydratation et la prévention des décès liés à la déshydratation. Il décrit l'utilisation de solutions de réhydratation orale (SRO), de fluides intr...aveineux pour les cas de déshydratation sévère, et d'antibiotiques appropriés pour les cas graves. Le guide insiste également sur l'importance de l'hygiène, de l'utilisation d'eau potable et du suivi de la récupération des patients pour contrôler efficacement les épidémies de choléra. Il est conçu comme une ressource pratique pour les travailleurs de la santé et les responsables de la santé publique.
Available in: English, French, Chinese, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Thai, Korean, Tajik, Vietnamese, Uzbek
Available in: English, French, Chinese, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Thai, Korean, Tajik, Vietnamese, Uzbek
(Destiné aux Chefs de Centre de Santé)
Evaluation of Norwegian support to promote the rights of persons with disabilities, Uganda country study – Summary
To promote greater understanding of emergency preparedness, response and recovery, the UNESCO office in Kathmandu and Nepal’s Non Formal Education (NFE) Center of the Ministry of Education, have produced, “Education in Emergencies: Self-learning Materials for Non-Formal Education”. The textboo...ks intersperse interesting graphics with stories and poems to convey potentially life-saving lessons in education in emergenciesemer
Women and girls with mental and intellectual disabilities were perceived to be most at risk of sexual violence, and family and service providers may only become aware of sexual violence against them when they become pregnant.
Discrimination by GBV service providers, family and community members was... the most common barrier to access. Inadequate transportation and inappropriate communication approaches were also common impediments.
On this website you can download the report in different languages,
last updated 29 March 2016
The training focuses on building the capacity of health care workers at the primary and secondary level to address and manage TB in children.
В данном документе описываются шаги, необходимые для точного измерения интервала QT (QTc) при мониторинге электрокардиографии (ЭКГ) пациентов, получающих краткосроч...ый режим лечения лекарственно-устойчивого туберкулеза (ЛУ-ТБ) или режим, включающий в схему новые препараты. Кроме того, в данном руководстве представлены требования, которые должны быть учтены при приобретении аппарата ЭКГ для мониторинга безопасности лечения пациентов. В силу того, что каждая модель аппарата имеет особые характеристики расчета QTcF (указанные в описании модели), соответственно, это должно быть учтено при выборе и закупе той или иной модели аппарата.
WHO published and launched the third part of the Wheelchair Service Training Package (WSTP) series consisting of two sub-packages: the Wheelchair Service Training Package for Managers (WSTPm) and the Wheelchair Service Training Package for Stakeholders (WSTPs). WHO recognises that in order to develo...p an effective and sustainable wheelchair service provision; managers and stakeholders need to be informed about the importance and benefit of a proper wheelchair service provision. The training manuals and introductory folder comes with 8 GB PenDrive, which contains A to Z of the wheelchair provision.