The most frequently asked questions about the treaty and its protocol.
This summary highlights the experiences, results and actions from
the implementation of the Rapid Assessment Tool for Sexual and
The tool – developed by IPPF, UNFPA, WHO, UNAIDS, GNP+, ICW and Young Positives in
2009 – supports national assessments of the bi-directional linkages
between and reproductive health (SRH) and HIV at the policy,
systems and services levels. Each country that has rolled out the
tool has gathered and generated information that will help to
determine priorities and shape national plans and frameworks for
scaling up and intensifying linkages. Country experiences and best
practices will also inform regional and global agendas.
This manual has been developed to guide rapid risk assessment of acute public health risks from any type of hazard in response to requests from Member States of the World Health Organization (WHO). The manual is aimed primarily at national departments with health-protection responsibilities, Nationa...l Focal Points (NFPs) for the International Heath Regulations (IHR) and WHO staff. It should also be useful to others who join multidisciplinary risk assessment teams, such as clinicians, field epidemiologists, veterinarians, chemists, food-safety specialists.
This factsheet provides base level information to practitioners for awareness raising, training, advocacy, project design and proposal writing. The information may be used and sent out widely, with reference to the Kenya Red Cross, The Association of the Physically Disabled of Kenya, CBM and Handica...p International. The overall information in this factsheet is also applicable to older persons and other vulnerable groups
J Epidemiol Community Health 2011;65:1166e1170. doi:10.1136/jech.2009.097469
Plos Neglected Tropical Diaseses, vol. 5 (2011) Issue 7 e1233. Open Access. Please download from the website
Департамент “Остановить ТБ” Всемирной организации здравоохранения (ВОЗ) организовал консультативное совещание ряда организаций гражданского общества, проведе...ное в штаб-квартире ВОЗ в Женеве (Швейцария) с 30 сентября по 1 октября 2010 г. Цель совещания состояла в том, чтобы обменяться опытом и обсудить новые направления совместной работы по укреплению усилий в области профилактики, лечения и борьбы с ТБ во всем мире.
Mental Health Atlas 2011 - Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, World Health Organization
District Level M & E Training and Reference Material for Primary Health Care Programmes
CapacityPlus: Serving health workers saves lives
Au cours des dix dernières années, les ONG humanitaires ont fait de plus en plus fréquemment appel aux Entreprises de sécurité privées (ESP). On observe l’existence d’un écart entre la manière dont les ONG utilisent les ESP dans la réalité et la régulation d’une telle relation. Ces ...orientations ont pour objet d’aider les ONG humanitaires à prendre une décision en connaissance de cause sur quand, comment et dans quelles conditions, recourir aux services d’une ESP. Ces orientations sont destinées aux responsables opérationnels des ONG au niveau du siège et du terrain. Ces orientations ne couvrent pas uniquement des activités de surveillance ou de protection armées, mais peuvent être appliquées à une gamme plus étendue de services assurés par les ESP.
The report offers an analysis of the broader challenges to securing humanitarian action and recommends areas for improvement. This study will contribute to improving the way humanitarians ‘do business’ in complex
security environments. Document also available in French, Arabic and Spanish.
Ce rapport offre une analyse des grands défis que pose la sécurisation de l’action humanitaire et fait des recommandations dans les domaines susceptibles d’être améliorés. Cette étude contribuera à faire progresser
la façon dont les humanitaires opèrent dans des environnements de sécu...rité complexes.
Do men and women experience different types of security events? Are there differences in the attitudes within humanitarian agencies towards the same type of events affecting men or women? In this paper, using the Security in Numbers Database (SiND), the differences and similarities in men’s and’s experiences of security events are analyzed to help agencies think about the potential gender implications of security management.
Humanitarian NGOs have made increased use of Private Security Providers (PSPs) over the last decade. There is a gap between the ways that NGOs actually use PSPs and the regulation of this engagement. These guidelines aim to assist humanitarian NGOs in reaching an informed decision about when, how an...d under what conditions to seek PSP services. The guidelines are aimed at operational managers of NGOs, from headquarter to field level. The guidelines do not only cover armed guarding or armed protection, but can be applied to the wide range of services provided by PSPs. Document also available in French.
The report offers an analysis of the broader challenges to securing humanitarian action and recommends areas for improvement. This study will contribute to improving the way humanitarians ‘do business’ in complex security environments.
Research Article
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
AIDS Research and Treatment
Volume 2011, Article ID 621078, 7 pages doi:10.1155/2011/621078
“Follow the Voice of Life”
AIDSTAR-One | Case study series October 2011