The document provides essential guidelines for preventing and managing acute diarrhoeal diseases, particularly in complex emergency situations such as conflicts, natural disasters, or health crises. It highlights the importance of access to safe drinking water, sanitation, personal hygiene, and the ...prompt treatment of patients using oral rehydration solutions (ORS). The text also emphasizes the need for coordination between local and international actors to ensure an effective and sustainable response.
The document provides WHO guidelines on fluid management for children with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and cholera. It outlines protocols for rehydration therapy, including oral rehydration solutions (ORS) and intravenous fluids for cases of severe dehydration or shock. The guidelines emphasize ...careful monitoring to avoid overhydration and highlight the use of zinc supplementation to reduce diarrhea severity and future episodes. It also discusses the integration of therapeutic feeding to support recovery. The document is a resource for healthcare workers managing vulnerable children in cholera outbreaks.
Le document fournit des directives essentielles pour prévenir et gérer les maladies diarrhéiques aiguës, en particulier dans les situations d'urgence complexes comme les conflits, les catastrophes naturelles ou les crises sanitaires. Il met en avant l'importance de l'accès à l'eau potable, de ...l'assainissement, de l'hygiène personnelle et de la prise en charge rapide des malades grâce à des solutions de réhydratation orale (SRO). Le texte insiste également sur la nécessité de la coordination entre les acteurs locaux et internationaux pour une réponse efficace et durable.
What does the future hold for the world’s children?
In many ways, the future is now. Today’s actions and decisions will determine the future children inherit.
Unfortunately, today's children live in a world fraught with crises, poverty and discrimination. Where far too many are deprived of... opportunities to meet their full potential.
We can and must do better.
The future of childhood hangs in the balance.
This year’s State of the World’s Children Report examines the forces and trends shaping our world today and reflects on how they might shape the future.
The report explores three megatrends that will profoundly impact children’s lives between now and 2050: demographics shifts, the climate and environmental crises and frontier technologies.
It also presents three future scenarios – possible outcomes, not predictions – for how children could experience the world of 2050.
As we consider what we can do today, our responsibility is clear: now is the time to shape a better future for every child.
Les tendances démographiques d’aujourd’hui façonneront la répartition des populations de demain. Il en va de même pour le carbone que nous rejetons dans l’atmosphère aujourd’hui, qui déterminera le climat de demain ou pour les technologies que nous développons et gouvernons, qui influ...enceront non seulement la manière dont les futures générations apprendront, travailleront et communiqueront, mais aussi le bien-être des enfants au cours des années à venir.
Alors que le premier quart du XXIe siècle touche à sa fin, le rapport La Situation des enfants dans le monde 2024 nous projette en 2050 et tente de répondre à la question suivante : Quelle est la meilleure voie à suivre pour assurer un avenir dans lequel chaque enfant jouit de ses droits, et bâtir un monde dans lequel tous les enfants survivent, s’épanouissent et réalisent leur plein potentiel?
Pour ce faire, ce rapport examine trois grandes tendances, à savoir trois forces puissantes qui s’inscrivent dans la durée à l’échelle mondiale et qui auront de profondes répercussions sur la vie des enfants entre aujourd’hui et 2050 : les changements démographiques, la crise climatique et environnementale et les technologies d’avant-garde. Comprendre ces tendances et leurs implications pour les enfants semble en effet essentiel pour mieux appréhender les défis et les possibilités qui
nous attendent
ستشكل الاتجاهات الديموغرافية اليوم أنماط السكان في المستقبل. وسيحدد الكربون الذي نسكبه اليوم بغزارة في الغلاف الجوي معالم مناخ الغد. وستؤثر التقانات التي نطورها ون...تحكم بها اليوم على طرق تعلم الأجيال المقبلة وعملها وتواصلها وأيضاً على عافية الأطفال لسنوات طويلة.
مع اقترابنا من نهاية الربع الأول من القرن الحادي والعشرين، يتطلع تقرير حالة أطفال العالم لعام 2024 إلى عام 2050. ويسأل: كيف يمكننا تأمين مستقبل تتحقق فيه حقوق جميع الأطفال — عالم يحيا فيه جميع الأطفال ويزدهرون ويحققون إمكاناتهم بالكامل؟
يتناول هذا التقرير ثلاث قوى عالمية قوية وطويلة الأمد (أو اتجاهات كبرى) ستترك أثراً عميقاً على حياة الأطفال من الآن حتى عام 2050، وهي: التحولات الديموغرافية، وأزمات المناخ والبيئة، والتقانات الرائدة. وبفهم هذه الاتجاهات وتداعياتها على الأطفال، يمكننا أن ندرك بشكل أفضل التحديات والفرص التي تنتظرنا.
Las tendencias demográficas actuales determinarán las futuras características de la población. El carbono expulsado hoy a la atmósfera definirá el clima del mañana. Las tecnologías que hoy desarrollamos y controlamos no solo influirán en la forma de aprender, trabajar y comunicar de las fut...uras generaciones, sino también en el bienestar de la infancia durante las próximas décadas.
Conforme el primer cuarto del siglo XXI llega a su fin, el Estado Mundial de la Infancia 2024 ha decidido mirar hacia adelante y situarse en el año 2050. Y plantea la siguiente pregunta: ¿cuál es la mejor manera de lograr un futuro donde todos los niños y niñas disfruten de sus derechos? ¿Cómo podemos construir un mundo donde todos puedan sobrevivir, prosperar y desarrollar plenamente su potencial?
El informe examina tres megatendencias o grandes fenómenos mundiales y a largo plazo que tendrán importantes efectos sobre las vidas de los niños y niñas de aquí a 2050: los cambios demográficos, las crisis climáticas y medioambientales y las tecnologías de vanguardia. Si entendemos estas tendenciasy lo que implican para la infancia, comprenderemos mejor los retos y las oportunidades que se nos pueden presentar.
You can’t cure asthma. However, you can take steps to control the disease and prevent its symptoms. For example:
-Learn about your asthma and ways to control it
-Follow your written asthma action plan
-Use medicines as your doctor prescribes (Here’s how to use your inhaler device)
-Identif...y and try to avoid things that make your asthma worse
-Keep track of your asthma symptoms and level of control
-Get regular checkups for your asthma
The document "Proteksyon Maladi" focuses on preventing waterborne and hygiene-related diseases through practical measures. It emphasizes the importance of personal hygiene, including washing hands with soap and clean water before eating, after using the toilet, and during food preparation. personal cleanliness is highlighted as a key step in preventing the spread of diseases.
Water safety is another critical focus, with recommendations to use treated or boiled water for drinking and cooking and to store water in clean, covered containers to prevent contamination. The document also addresses sanitation, encouraging the construction and maintenance of latrines to eliminate open defecation and promoting proper waste disposal to protect the environment and water sources.
Overall, the document serves as an educational resource, providing simple and effective strategies for communities to reduce the risk of diseases and improve public health through better hygiene, sanitation, and water safety practices.
The article from the European Respiratory Journal discusses the natural history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphasizing its increasing global impact on morbidity and mortality. It highlights that while cigarette smoking is a primary risk factor, other influences such as environm...ental exposures and genetics also play significant roles. The article notes that lung function, measured by FEV1 (forced expiratory volume in one second), is a critical indicator of both diagnosis and prognosis. It further explores the impact of exacerbations, comorbidities, and systemic inflammation on disease progression and outcomes. The need for comprehensive patient management, which considers various comorbid conditions and inflammatory factors, is emphasized to improve clinical outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.
The Noncommunicable Diseases Country Profiles 2018 by the World Health Organization (WHO) provides an in-depth look at the burden of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, and diabetes across WHO Member States. It includes data on NCD m...ortality, risk factors like tobacco use, unhealthy diets, physical inactivity, and excessive alcohol consumption, as well as country-specific responses and health system capacities to manage and prevent NCDs.
The article "Under- and over-diagnosis of COPD: a global perspective" reviews the worldwide variation in the prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and issues related to its misdiagnosis. It highlights that COPD is under-diagnosed due to factors such as limited access to spiromet...ry and variable diagnostic criteria, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Conversely, over-diagnosis often results from reliance on non-standard criteria or inadequate spirometry use. The article discusses key risk factors, including age, gender, exposure to pollutants, and comorbidities, and emphasizes the need for standardized diagnostic practices to better address and manage COPD globally.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a complex disease that requires differential diagnosis and proper classification to identify appropriate therapy. Nonpharmacologic therapy and preventative measures should be utilized to prevent worsening of disease, symptoms, and complications. The Gl...obal Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) guidelines classify a patient’s COPD and provide recommendations for first-line treatment. The 2021 update included information regarding the use of e-cigarettes as nicotine replacement, triple therapy, and how the SARS-CoV-2 virus impacted patients with COPD. This article will focus on the diagnosis, classification, and treatment of COPD, as well as recently updated information regarding the use of e-cigarettes and the impact of COVID-19.
The document "J-esyon ak bon manipilasyon manje yo" focuses on proper food handling and hygiene practices to prevent contamination and foodborne illnesses. It provides comprehensive guidelines for individuals and communities, emphasizing the importance of food safety. Key recommendations include raw and cooked foods separate, ensuring thorough cooking of perishable items like meat and fish, and checking canned goods for damage or expiration before use. It stresses the need to use treated or boiled water for cooking, drinking, and washing food, as contaminated water can lead to diseases such as diarrhea, typhoid, and skin infections.
The document also highlights critical hygiene practices, such as washing hands with soap and treated water before handling food or eating, and thoroughly cleaning food preparation areas. Proper storage of food at suitable temperatures to prevent spoilage is another key focus, along with protecting food from animals, insects, and other sources of contamination. Overall, the manual emphasizes that maintaining proper hygiene and safe food handling practices is vital for preventing illnesses and promoting public health, making it a valuable resource for educating communities on food safety.
The World Health Organization's fact sheet on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
In this systematic review, we aimed to examine the feasibility and acceptability of social media interventions targeting physical activity and/or diet for people with NCDs, the effectiveness of improving exercise and diet behaviours, specific design components used to promote user engagement and the... effectiveness on other health outcomes.
The article examines the nutritional and lifestyle-related risk factors contributing to the prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cancer in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR). It highlights the transition in the disease burden from diseases to NCDs over the past 30 years. Key risk factors include obesity, unhealthy diets, physical inactivity, and high fasting plasma glucose. The article underscores the importance of promoting healthy dietary habits, physical activity, and policy interventions to curb NCDs in the region. It also discusses the economic and public health implications of these diseases and proposes strategies to mitigate their prevalence.
The World Health Organization's fact sheet on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
The document titled "Cómo combatir el cólera" (How to Combat Cholera) provides comprehensive guidelines on the clinical presentation and management of cholera, particularly in the context of the 2010 Haiti outbreak.
It emphasizes the importance of rapid rehydration as a lifesaving measure, deta...iling protocols for both oral rehydration solutions (ORS) and intravenous (IV) fluids. The document outlines appropriate antibiotic treatments based on patient categories, underscores the necessity of proper sanitation, and offers strategies for effective outbreak control. Additionally, it provides guidance on recognizing severe dehydration and the need for immediate medical intervention to reduce mortality associated with cholera.