International Journal of Infectious Diseases 32 (2015) 111–117
(Updated 2015)
Scoping question: What is the effectiveness of caregiver skills training in the management of children and adolescents with developmental disorders?
3ie Impact Evaluation Report 39
Results and Lessons Learned from CapacityPlus 2009-2015
10 points from field experience
Print version ISSN 1809-9823On-line version ISSN 1981-2256
Rev. bras. geriatr. gerontol. vol.19 no.2 Rio de Janeiro Mar./Apr. 2016
The 5 years plan to scale up HIV Testing and Counselling Services in Malawi 2006-2010
J Pediatr Rev 2015, vol.3 (1) e361
Examining the needs of at‐risk youth in the Middle East and North Africa: A multi‐method landscape analysis and systematic literature review
Palliative care for children with life-limiting illness is the active total care of the child’s body, mind, and spirit. It begins at diagnosis and continues regardless of whether the child receives treatment directed at the disease. It seeks to control all forms of suffering related to the illness..., including pain. It involves social, psychological, spiritual, and legal support to siblings, parents, and other close family members. Effective palliative care for children requires health professionals trained to assess symptoms, care for children of different ages and developmental stages, and to provide medicines in pediatric formulations. Care may be provided in tertiary care facilities, community health centers, and at home. The child’s best interest must inform all aspects of the treatment andcare, and the child’s rights must be protected at all times.