Lecture 9 Developing countries regional anesthesia lecture series
Decision-makers and frontline responders will find a set of resources on plague here. These resources can be used as refreshers for experienced personnel or as an introduction to the topic for everyone else. Most of the materials are available in English and French, and can be downloaded for offline... use
La version française de ce cours est disponible sur: https://openwho.org/courses/ressources-connaissances-peste
Les décideurs et les intervenants en première ligne trouveront ici les ressources sur la maladie à la peste. Ces ressources peuvent être utilisées en tant que rappels ou compléments de connaissances pour les travailleurs expérimentés ou en tant qu’introduction au sujet pour les autres. La ...plupart des ressources sont disponibles en anglais et en français et peuvent être téléchargées pour un usage sans connexion.
The English version of this course is available at: https://openwho.org/courses/knowledge-resources-plague
Global Health Media Project developed the Small Baby Series to bring to life many life-saving practices such as how to keep premature babies warm with skin-to-skin care, and how to feed them with a cup or feeding tube before they’re strong enough to breastfeed. The series consists of 27 short teac...hing videos. Five are designed specifically for mothers to demystify the needs of premature infants and help them care for their babies both in the hospital and at home
Managing normal and high-risk infants in the newborn nursery
Les décideurs et les intervenants en première ligne trouveront ici les ressources sur la maladie à virus Ebola. Ces ressources peuvent être utilisées en tant que rappels ou compléments de connaissances pour les travailleurs expérimentés ou en tant qu’introduction au sujet pour les autres. ...La plupart des ressources sont disponibles en anglais et en français et peuvent être téléchargées pour un usage sans connexion. Une version en Lingala est également disponible.
Decision-makers and frontline responders will find a set of resources on Ebola virus disease here. These resources can be used as refreshers for experienced personnel or as an introduction to the topic for everyone else. Most of the materials are available in English and French, and can be downloade...d for offline use. A version in Lingala is also available.
Access : 29.4.2017
Curriculum of Capacity Building for Technical Officers in Field Operational Hospital Skills in Indonesia
Curriculum of Capacity Building for Technical Officers in Skill-Improvement in Using Communication Radio
Access : 29.4.2017
This checklist covers five areas of competence needed by health care providers to provide quality of care in contraceptive information and services including: respecting users’ privacy and guaranteeing contfidentiality, choice, accessible and acceptable services, involvement of users in improving ...services and fostering continuity of care and follow-up.
These Blended Learning Modules have been produced in collaboration with the Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) and Regional Health Bureaus (RHBs) as well as a range of medical experts and health science specialists within Ethiopia. They are being used to upgrade the theoretical knowledge of... the country's 33,000 rural Health Extension Workers to that of Health Extension Practitioners and to train new entrants to the service.
The Modules are Open Educational Resources (OERs) and are free for everyone to use. You can download them as they are or adapt them to fit your specific context. The OERs cover the full range of health promotion, disease prevention, basic management and essential treatment protocols to improve and protect the health of rural communities.
All small babies are at risk of problems after birth. This video—for health workers—shows how to classify a small baby to determine further care. This video is available in English and the below languages:
Bangla, French, Hindi, Khmer, Nepali, and Spanish
The birth of a small baby often can be predicted. This video—for health workers—shows how to prepare for the small baby’s special needs at birth. This video is available in English and the below languages:
Bangla, French, Nepali, and Spanish
Accessed 23rd February 2016
Dieses Manual dient der Durchführung von Trainings von Krankenhauspersonal zur Vorbereitung auf Ebola-Verdachtsfälle in Westafrika. EFFO-Trainerinnen und Trainer finden hier die Lehrmaterialien und Unterlagen für die Organisation einer Schulung.