Profile of Health Crisis Response within District with High Risk of Natural Disaster : District of North Halmahera, Indonesia
Profile of Health Crisis Response within District with High Risk of Natural Disaster : District of Landak, Indonesia
Profile of health crisis response of city, area or district in Indonesia with high risk of natural disaster : District of Ende, Indonesia
Profile of health crisis response of area, city or district within Indonesia with high risk of natural disaster : District of Polewali Mandar, Indonesia
Profile of health crisis response of district, area or cities in Indonesia with high risk of natural disaster : District of Buton, Indonesia
Profile of health crisis response of district, area or cities in Indonesia with high risk of natural disaster : Kutai City, Indonesia
Profile of Health Crisis Response within District with High Risk of Natural Disaster : District of Morotai Island, Indonesia
Profile of health crisis response of cities, area or districts in Indonesia with high risk of natural disaster : District of Kolaka, Indonesia
Profile of Health Crisis Response within District with High Risk of Natural Disaster : District of Middle Halmahera, Indonesia
Profile of Health Crisis Response within District with High Risk of Natural Disaster : District of Sambas, Indonesia
Profile of Health Crisis Response within District with High Risk of Natural Disaster : District of Lebong, Indonesia
Profile of health crisis response of area, city and district in Indonesia with high risk of natural disaster : District of East Kutai, Indonesia
Profile of Health Crisis Response of District with High Risk of Natural Disaster : District of North Kolaka, Indonesia
Guidebook about information center of health crisis response due to natural disaster in Indonesia
Access : 28.04.2017
This guidance has been developed in line with the WHO corporate risk management framework, the WHO business continuity and contingency plans, as well as the Inter-Agency Emergency Response Preparedness Framework. It is based on a common organiza-tional approach and procedures for managing including ...emergency response across all hazards and at each level of the Organization. It relates WHO’s responsibilities (1) under the International Health Regulations (2005) and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, and other international treaties; (2) as the United Nations’ lead agency for health and the health cluster; and (3) as a member of the United Nations or Humanitarian Country Teams
The Sphere Handbook "Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response" is now available in Haitian Creole.
This translation has been coordinated by Oxfam Canada and funded by the following members of the Policy Action Group on Emergency Response (PAGER Canada): World Vision Canada,... Plan Canada, Oxfam Quebec, Development and Peace, CARE Canada, Canadian Red Cross, Save the Children Canada, Christian Children's Fund of Canada, Mennonite Central Committee of Canada and Adventist Development and Relief Agency of Canada.
The SIMEX Series App, exercise material, how-to guides and support.
SIMEX Series is the UK’s largest annual international disaster response exercise. It is an operational (live controlled) field exercise designed to establish a learning environment for players to exercise disaster event response ...plans, policies and procedures. Player participation comprises of; activate, mobilise, respond operationally on scene, report (internally and externally), implement short and medium-term plans, hand-over, demobilise and complete after-action reviews.
Profile of health crisis response of district, city or area in Indonesia with high risk of natural disaster : District of Ketapang
Profile of health crisis response within district, city or area in Indonesia with high risk of natural disaster : District of Bombana, Indonesia
Protect Yourself from the Smoke Fog Disaster ; a Book of Health Crisis Response for School Children in Indonesia