Presidential Regulation No. 12 of 2013 on Health Insurance
Government regulation No. 22/2008 about funding and management of disaster aid in Indonesia
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 / 2007 about disaster management in Indonesia
Handbook for HIV/Aids Training
Indonesia's TB Guidelines
Profile of Crisis Response of District Health or Disaster Risk in District of North Central Timor, Indonesia
Law of The Republic of Indonesia Number 40 of 2004 concerning National Social Security System
Clinical Practice Guidelines and Clinical Pathway for Therapy and Management of Heart Disease and Blood Vessels in Indonesia
National Strategic Plan of Ministry of Health 2015-2019
Guidance book for health workers who working in the handling of health crisis caused by natural disasters in Indonesia.
This manual refers to international standards.
Guidelines and Consensus for the Diagnosis, Management and Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Indonesia
Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia on Impact Reduction for Injecting Narcotics Drug Users
NAPZA : Narkotika, Psikotropika dan Zat Adiktif Lainnya (Narcotics, Psychotropic and Other Addictive Substances)
Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia on Prevention of HIV Transmission from Mother to Child
This manual is about the basic nursing care - desinfection, cleaning, sterilization, nursing documentation, hygiene, surgical care and preparation and much more. This booklet has been prepared by the NED Volunteers Foundation.
This facilitators’ guide is part of a five-part Caregiver skills training for families of children with developmental delays or disabilities (CST) package providing guidance on caregiver skills training for families of children aged 2–9 years with developmental delays or disabilities.
This fa...cilitators’ guide provides information for leading group sessions 1–9. It is a reference manual to be used in conjunction with specific training and under supervision.