UNICEF zufolge sind weltweit mehr als 200 Millionen Mädchen und Frauen von weiblicher Genitalverstümmelung betroffen – die meisten von ihnen leben in Afrika und im Mittleren Osten sowie in Indonesien. Wenn der Trend sich nicht ändert, sind 30 Millionen Mädchen potentiell gefährdet, vor ihrem ...15. Lebensjahr beschnitten zu werden. Die Mehrheit der Mädchen und Frauen in praktizierenden Ländern sprechen sich aber für die Abschaffung der weiblichen Genitalver-
stümmelung aus
Leitfaden für pädagogische Fachkräfte
You Tube Video
Accessed February 4, 2020
Obesity is a complex disease, with many root causes throughout society. That’s why we all need to work together to find solutions. Tackling the roots of obesity benefits everybody and will give us all the chance to lead happier, healthier and longer lives.
Learn more about obesity and its cause...s
Our target end-users are those with limited literacy. It is a challenging task to achieve success in this group as so much of what is "obvious" to those of us with good literacy skills is totally obscure to those who have never had the opportunity to learn the meaning of e.g. an arrow shape and what... it is meant to represent. Our pictograms have been tested mainly in our local Xhosa population, so we cannot guarantee universal generalisability (as is the case for any other pictograms). Categories in the database include Dosage and frequency; Route of administration; Additional medicine instructions; Side effects or indications; Storage of medicines; Tablets, capsules, bottles, droppers; Miscellaneous; TB-related pictograms
A common application relates to their use with medicines where they may serve to convey instructions, precautions, storage requirements, warnings, as well as medicine indication or side effects to patients or consumers. Many examples of diverse application of pictograms in the health literature have been described including health promotion materials, wound care instructions, asthma prevention and treatment, injury prevention, discharge instructions, self-care guidance, paediatric anaphylaxis plan, organ and body donation, CT scan risks and benefits, driving risks, safety symbols, decision aids for treatment, and patient-reported outcomes dashboards, amongst others.
Достоверные ответы и конкретная информация о том, как защитить себя и помочь другим.
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) science conversation
In this video and audio series WHO experts explain the science related to COVID-19. This series is available every week on WHO's YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn channels and on all major podcasts platforms.
Download all epis...ode transcripts in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Hindi, Maithili, Nepali
Fotonovela to promote COVID-19 vaccination. This comic-book style graphic tells the story of a daycare worker’s decision to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
COVID-19 vaccination will help protect you from getting COVID-19. You may have some side effects, which are normal signs that your body is building protection. These side effects may affect your ability to do daily activities, but they should go away in a few days. Some people have no side effects.
Available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese
My Child: 0 to 2 years is a free book from the HSE with advice to help you and your baby from birth to age 2. This edition has text in English with Arabic translation.
My Child: 0 to 2 years is a free book from the HSE with advice to help you and your baby from birth to age 2. This edition has text in English with Arabic translation.