WHO has developed standardized health kits of medicines and medical supplies to meet different health needs in humanitarian emergencies and disasters.
These kits are developed to provide reliable and affordable medicines and supplies quickly to those in need. The kits are used by United Nations age...ncies, nongovernmental organizations and national governments.
Based primarily on WHO’s Essential Medicines list and guidelines on treatment of specific medical conditions, the contents of the kits are frequently reviewed and updated to adapt to changing needs based on experience in emergency situations.
A certain number of kits are prepositioned in strategic locations to be mobilized quickly in times of need. Long term agreements with suppliers are also in place to ensure rapid shipment wherever needed.
Вам пришлось бежать из родной страны из-за войны. Вы покинули свой дом, в котором жили вместе со своей семьей. Ваш путь в Германию в значительной мере был очень тяжел...ым.
Руководство для родителей: Как помочь травмированному ребенку?
The NICE guideline on antimicrobial prescribing for acute exacerbations of COPD provides recommendations for optimizing antibiotic use to treat exacerbations effectively while minimizing the risk of antimicrobial resistance. It includes criteria for assessing the need for antibiotics, guidance on se...lecting antibiotics, and considerations for reassessment and follow-up care.
The MEDBOX Annual Report provides an overview of the most important projects of the past year
Eine Schwangerschaft ist eine Zeit im Leben, die mit vielen grundlegenden Veränderungsprozes-
sen und Herausforderungen einhergeht. Bürokratische Hürden und ein wenig übersichtliches
Hilfesystem erschweren Menschen mit Fluchterfahrung den Zugang zu relevanten Informationen
und medizinischen V...ersorgungsleistungen, die allen (werdenden) Eltern und Kindern in Deutsch-
land zugänglich sein sollten.
The WHO Cholera Kits 2020 provide essential medical and logistical supplies for responding to cholera outbreaks. Designed to support the first month of an outbreak, the kits include treatment supplies for 100 patients, laboratory testing materials, investigation tools, and infrastructure components ...for patient care. The six kit types cover central, peripheral, and community-level treatment, along with resources for surveillance and outbreak response. The document also outlines recent modifications, ordering procedures, and recommendations for deployment in high-risk areas.
Ovaj vodič treba da pruži opšte/opće informacije o ovim oboljenjima, takozvanim „poremećajima koji se javljaju kao posljedica traume“ i naročito o „posttraumatskom stresnom poremećaju“ (PTSP). Osim toga, on treba da pomogne u traženju mogućnosti liječenja i savjetovanja.
Diese Veröffentlichung befasst sich mit der öffentlichen Entwicklungshilfe (Official Development Assistance, ODA) der USA mit Schwerpunkt auf den Bereichen Gesundheit, HIV/AIDS, Tuberkulose und Malaria. Außerdem wird die ODA der USA im Vergleich zu anderen Gebern und Finanzierungszielen betrachte...t.
Flyer 10 Steps to Mental Health
Amélioration de la santé des populations en Afrique
Flyer 10 Steps to Mental Health
This publication discusses official development assistance (ODA) provided by the USA with a focus on health, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. It also refelcts upon ODA by the USA in comparison to other donors and funding targets.
The UN’s SDG Stimulus Plan, which calls for additional liquidity, effective debt restructuring and the expansion of development financing, has the potential to free up significant fiscal space in developing economies. For 52 most debt-vulnerable economies, a 30 percent haircut of 2021 public exter...nal debt stock could lower debt service payments in 2022–2029 by between US$44 billion and $148 billion, depending on the participation of various creditor classes. For all developing economies, a 40 percent “refinancing” of their 2021 bond debt stock to average official creditor rates could amount to a $121 billion savings on interest payments in 2022–2029. Against the backdrop of growing economic and geopolitical fragmentation, this policy brief describes building blocks for exiting the crisis.
As of May 2023, COVID-19 may no longer be classified as a public health emergency of international concern, but we must not ignore the deep structural problems it has revealed in our economy.
This American Thoracic Society Statement was prepared by a Committee of the Scientific Assembly on Environmental and Occupational Health at the request of the American Lung Association Occupational Health Expert Advisory Group to emphasize the continuing importance of silicosis as a major lung disea...se worldwide and the need for increasing efforts in prevention. Emphasis is placed on public health issues of silicosis rather than on important current research in pathologic mechanisms.
Flyer about 10 Steps for Mental Health
Non- Communicable Diseases (NCDs) over the years have not been given much attention in Ghana and in most Low and Middle- Income Countries (LMICs). The overwhelming burden of communicable diseases and the scarcity of resources has led to the health of all residents in Ghana, NCDs still remain largely... underfunded and less prioritized. Attempts in the past have achieved little success. The formulation of Ghana´s NCD policy in 2014 and the accompanying strategic plan is one such effort.
En mai 2023, la COVID-19 n’est peut-être plus classifiée en tant qu’urgence de santé publique d’envergure internationale mais nous ne devons pas ignorer les profonds problèmes structurels qu’elle a révélé dans notre économie. La santé est
un droit humain fondamental et le temps est... venu de réorienter et de réorganiser l’économie pour atteindre l’objectif de la Santé pour tous.
Листовка о 10 шагах к душевному равновесию
Flyer 10 Steps to Mental Health