Regulation of the minister of health of the Republic of Indonesia number 97 of 2014 on pre-pregnancy health services, pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum, contraceptive service and sexual health services
(Régions sanitaires de Tonkpi, Cavally-Guemon et Gbokle-Nawa-San Pedro) Rapport de Mission Exploratoire
Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 97 of 2014 on Pre-Pregnancy Health Services, Pregnancy, Labor and Postpartum, Contraception Service, and Sexual Health Service
Pocket book for field officers and humanitarian helpers on the field in health crisis response and tackling health crisis situation in Indonesia
A Guidebook for Medical and Professional Schools, Second Edition.
This book represents a significant step to engage health professions schools in addressing global health challenges
Guidelines for Management and Therapy of Atrial Fibrillation in Indonesia
Situation of Disabilities in Indonesia with Data and Statistics
Therapeutic Guidelines for Using Implant Cardiovascular Electronic Device in Indonesia
Based on the survey, five principles for deinstitutionalization were identified: community-based services must be in place; the health workforce must be committed to change; political support at the highest and broadest levels is crucial; timing is key; and additional financial resources are needed.
La Commission des femmes pour les réfugiés (WRC) identifie les besoins, recherche des solutions et plaide pour un changement au niveau mondial en vue d’améliorer la vie des femmes, des enfants et des jeunes déplacés par les conflits et les crises. Sur le plan juridique, la Commission des pour les réfugiés fait partie du Comité International de secours (IRC), une organisation à but non lucratif de type 501 (c)(3), mais ne reçoit pas de soutien financier direct de sa part.