Accessed 24 November 2017
Here you will find PDF downloads of our community health guides in Nepali, as well as information about how to order print copies from our translation partners. It is prohibited to sell or distribute these files in any format for profit without prior written consent from Hesperian and the translator
Invest in Community, Invest in Zambia's future
Accessed July 27, 2019
Please download the complete toolkit directly from the website (large size: 24 MB)
Chapit avanse nan nouvo edisyon an. Creole edition of "Where there is no doctor"
Anba se chapit avanse nan liv Hesperian la: Nouvo Kote ki pa gen doktè. Nou pral ajoute plis chapit lè yo devlope ak tradwi. Aprann plis de revizyon majè ki plis itilize.
The purpose of the job aids is to provide guidance to AIDSFree health promoters in-country on how to carry out targeted Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) awareness and advocacy meetings with local leaders, religious leaders, and famous influential people in the community.
WHO Myanmar newsletter special, 19 June 2018
Vaksen MMRV (Lawoujòl, Malmouton,
Ribeyòl, ak Varisèl): Sa Ou Dwe Konnen
Vaksen kont Varisèl (Saranpyon):Sa Ou Dwe Konnen
Evite Blese Apre Yon Dezas
Rete lwen danje apre yon Siklòn
How to take your TB medicine in Kreyol ayisyen
La publicación describe consejos prácticos con indicaciones claras y precisas para actuar ante una emergencia. Está destinado a cualquier persona que precise realizar acciones prioritarias a víctimas lesionadas o repentinamente enfermas. Sus páginas fueron escritas de una manera sencilla, evita...ndo vocabulario médico engorroso, con el fin de que en una sola lectura atenta se puedan capturar los conceptos más significativos de las acciones.