MODULE 5 RESOURCE GUIDE | This guide is part of a series of manuals that focuses on six topics in Early Childhood Development (ECD): different programming approaches, basic concepts, assessments, early childhood environments, children with special needs and child protection, and the health, safety a...nd nutrition of young children. The series was prepared within a three-year CRS-led project called “Strengthening the Capacity of Women Religious in Early Childhood Development,” or “SCORE ECD.” Funded by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, the project helps Catholic sisters in Kenya, Malawi, and Zambia in their work with children aged 0-5 years and their families. The project is being implemented from January 2014 to December 2016
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a complex issue of global concern. AMR is not simply a problem of medical science being beaten by nature; human action and perverse incentives play a major role in its development. The misuse of antibiotics in the medical, veterinary and agricultural sectors, which ...include the inappropriate prescribing of antibiotics, their overuse in the livestock sector, and insufficient hygiene practices in hospital, all contribute to the rise of AMR
Antimicrobial resistance is a global threat as it is present in all parts of the world and it means that there is a shortage of effective antibiotics to treat simple infections and diseases, also statistics reveal that because of antimicrobial resistance patients’ morbidity and mortality is increa...sed, as well as healthcare related expenditures. Theoretical frameworks chosen for this study are Mark Salmon White’s construct for public health nursing and Tannahill’s model for health promotion. Both models focus on promoting and contributing to the health and well-being of the public. In this thesis the nurse’s role is explored and steps that can be taken towards contributing to minimizing antimicrobial resistance are listed
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Journal of HIV and Human Reproduction: Year : 2015, volume : 3, Issue : 2, Page : 47-55
The International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and
Allied Professions (IACAPAP) aims to promote the mental health and
development of children and adolescents worldwide. It seeks to achieve
this by contributing to the training and professional development of the
child and adole...scent mental health professionals by disseminating up-todate
and high-quality information through its publications, organization
of biennial international congresses, and study groups. IACAPAP has a
long tradition of publishing monographs released to coincide with the
congresses, with the first one published in 1970.
Mit diesem E-Learning Kurs bietet die Pharma-Kampagne Bildungsmaterial zum Thema Antibiotika-Resistenzen. Das Thema ist nicht nur in der Humanmedizin relevant, sondern auch im Bereich Landwirtschaft und Nutztierhaltung, bei der ländlichen Entwicklung, beim Gewässerschutz, der Trinkwasserversorgung... oder der Ernährungssicherheit.
Informative Texte, anschauliche Länderbeispiele und nützliche Links liefern einen umfassenden Überblick über die aktuelle globale Problemlage. Berücksichtigt werden dabei sämtliche Anwendungsbereiche und Errungenschaften, aber auch die verschiedensten Risiken, die mit dem Gebrauch von Antibiotika einhergehen. Ganz im Sinne des OneHealth-Ansatzes werden dabei neben der Humanmedizin auch die Veterinärmedizin, die Antibiotika-Produktion oder auch Umweltaspekte angesprochen.
What it is and what you can do
Rev. Oct16 770-10-0003
Wichtige Lerntools, Apps, Dokumente zu Kulturtransfer, Gleichberechtigung, Arztbesuch, Helferkreis-Organisation, Übungen zum Anhörungsverfahren, Familienzusammenführung, Rechtsberatung und rund ums "Arbeiten.
Circumcision – consultative review of additional information, 12 August 2016
21 September 2016
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2016. doi:
Objective: To describe the temporal and geographical distribution of Zika virus infection, and associated neurological disorders, from 1947 to February 2016.