This is a case-ascertained prospective investigation of all identified health care contacts working in a health care facility in which a laboratory confirmed 2019-nCoV infected patient (see 2.2 Study population) receives care. Note that this study can be done in health care facilities at all 3 level...s of a health system – not just in hospitals. It is intended to provide epidemiological and serologic information which will inform the identification of risk factors 2019-nCoV infection among health care workers.
There are three primary objectives of this investigation among health care workers in a health care setting where a 2019-nCoV infected patient is being cared for:
To better understand the extent of human-to-human transmission among health care workers, by estimating the secondary infection rate1 for health care worker contacts at an individual level.
To characterize the range of clinical presentation of infection and the risk factors for infection among health care workers.
To evaluate effectiveness of infection prevention and control measures among health care workers
To evaluate effectiveness of infection prevention and control programmes at health facility and national level
Este documento ha sido revisado y aprobado por la Ponencia de Alertas y Planes de Preparación y Respuesta. Este protocolo está en revisión permanente en función de la evolución y nueva información que se disponga de la infección por el nuevo coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 ) .
Venezuela’s government announced on 24 March that COVID-19 infections had reached 91... “The government says wear masks, wash your hands often, and stay inside,” Gomez said. “But we don’t have water, we often don’t have electricity, and there are no masks.”...
[President] Maduro den...ies there are shortages in Venezuela, insisting in a national broadcast on 16 March that hospitals have all the mandatory equipment.
There is no news about when health workers will receive biosecurity equipment, which Maduro said was being shipped by China along with thousands of test kits.
He also claimed the country’s collapsed pharmaceutical industry would be able to produce both a treatment and a cure for coronavirus – neither of which exist.
He recommended to the nation a homemade “cure” promoted by one Venezuelan, one “given to us by our ancestors: pepper, lemon grass, honey and ginger”.
Although the World Health Organisation advises that only people suffering respiratory problems should wear masks, Maduro decreed: “No one can walk the streets without a mask.”
O Coronavírus1 está se espalhando globalmente. Como podem os indivíduos, comunidades e agentes humanitários responderem ao surto do COVID-19? Como o Manual Esfera pode orientar essa resposta?
Vous avez une infection confirmée mais vous ne devez pas être hospitalisé car votre état général est bon. Vous devez néanmoins être isolé à domicile. Les personnes vivant sous le même toit et vos relations intimes doivent se mettre en auto-quarantaine pour une période de 7 jours. Ces rec...ommandations vous disent quelles précautions vous et votre entourage devez prendre pour limiter la transmission du virus.
El Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid, a través de la Sección de Psicología Clínica, de la Salud y Psicoterapia, quiere transmitir una serie de pautas dirigidas a padres, profesionales y fami...liares de niños y niñas, orientadas a promover un afrontamiento adecuado frente al brote de Coronavirus-Covid 19.
Estas recomendaciones están adaptadas para niños y niñas de 4 a 10 años, ya que en edades más tempranas la idea es más abstracta y requiere de una adaptación más sencilla. A partir de los 10 años comprenden conceptos más complejos, sin necesidad de realizar adaptaciones tan concretas como en esta etapa evolutiva.
Teniendo en cuenta la incertidumbre en cuanto a la evolución del brote en España, y que día a día nos enfrentamos a una nueva situación, conviene adaptar también la información que traslademos. Por ello debemos darle la importancia que merece a la prevención de la transmisión del virus y las medidas de higiene, reduciendo también situaciones de alarma que afecten a los menores.
Después de un desastre, es importante que cuide su salud emocional.
Preste atención a la forma en que usted y su familia se sienten y actúan.
Cuidar su propia salud emocional lo ayudará a pensar con claridad y a
reaccionar a las necesidades urgentes para protegerse y proteger a su
familia. S...iga estos consejos que los ayudarán a usted y a su familia a recuperarse
o a encontrar apoyo.
Human rights must be at the centre of all prevention, preparedness, containment and treatment efforts from the start, in order to best protect public health and support the groups and people who are most at risk. States have an obligation to protect and guarantee everyone the right to the highest at...tainable standard of health.
All European states have committed to fulfilling the right to health and have signed international and regional human rights treaties to that purpose. In the context of the current pandemic, authorities should engage all available resources to counter the pandemic while fulfilling the right to health.
This children's booklet includes exercises and key messages on the coronavirus. The resource is designed for children aged 6+.
Accessed: 27.04.2020
La crisis de refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela en la región se encuentra ante un nuevo desafío con la llegada del COVID-19. Esta población se ve particularmente afectada por las condiciones en las que se encuentran, en especial quienes están en zonas de frontera. El aut...oaislamiento, las medidas de higiene y el conseguir ingresos para el día a día representan una limitación evidente que está generando situaciones de calle, desplazamiento intra e inter fronteras, y exposición al COVID. Esta situación extrema inclusive está forzando a algunas familias a retornar a Venezuela.
Este folheto informativo contém informações importantes que você deve saber sobre o consumo de álcool e a COVID-19. Aborda, entre outras coisas, a desinformação que está sendo difundida por meio das redes sociais e outros meios de comunicação sobre o álcool e a COVID-19.
O mais important...e a ser lembrado é: o consumo de álcool não protege de forma alguma contra a COVID-19 nem previne que você seja infectado pelo vírus
Diante da natureza patogênica e virulenta do vírus SARS-CoV-2 e da evolução da epidemia de COVID, o governo decidiu, dia 15 de março de 2020, impor restrições à circulação da população para reduzir a propagação do vírus, proteger as pessoas em risco e preservar as cap...acidades do nosso sistema de saúde. O estrito respeito dos gestos de barreira sanitária foi enfatizado como corolário essencial dessas medidas.
IAEA Safety Standards for protecting people and the environment