Updated 25 March 2020 (25 Matshi 2020)
Updated 25 March 2020 (25 Matshi 2020)
تقوم الأدوية التقليدية أو الأدوية النباتية المعتمدة على الأعشاب بدور كأدوية بديلة. عليه، فإنه من المهم ٍ واسعٍم على نطاقَستخدُالأمراض في إفريقيا وتتقييم كلٍّ من س...امة
وفعالية هذه الأصول النباتية الأصلية في الطب قبل المصادقة والجمهور.على استخدامها من قبل المجتمع الطبي
Updated 24 March 2020 (24 Matshi 2020)
There are 3 main forms of leishmaniases: visceral (the most serious form because it is almost always fatal without treatment), cutaneous (the most common, usually causing skin ulcers), and mucocutaneous (affecting mouth, nose and throat).
Leishmaniasis is caused by protozoan parasites which are tra...nsmitted by the bite of infected female phlebotomine sandflies.
The disease affects some of the world’s poorest people and is associated with malnutrition, population displacement, poor housing, a weak immune system and lack of financial resources.
An estimated 700 000 to 1 million new cases occur annually.
Only a small fraction of those infected by parasites causing leishmaniasis will eventually develop the disease.
CoroNo. Protection hood against infection for care and rescue services personnel