The increasing prevalence of childhood asthma in the developed world is a cause for concern. A so-called Western lifestyle has been the factor most commonly cited to explain this worrying increase in asthma prevalence. Early studies in a limited number of African countries showed a very low rural pr...evalence of childhood asthma, especially where children lived according to a traditional lifestyle. These same studies showed that asthma was not uncommon in urbanized African children. There has been an
increasing tendency over the past 20 years for those in rural communities to move to the large urban centers. This article analyses the urban-rural differences and factors that influence the development of asthma in susceptible children.
The article investigates the diagnostic capabilities and prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in primary care settings in northern Brazil. It highlights that COPD is often underdiagnosed and undertreated in resource-limited regions. The study involved 34 general practitioners a...nd used spirometry to evaluate their diagnostic accuracy compared to clinical assessments. Findings revealed significant discrepancies between GP diagnoses and spirometry results, with many false positives and negatives. The study underscores the need for better training and the use of spirometry to improve COPD diagnosis and case-finding in primary care, emphasizing the importance of targeted strategies to enhance healthcare outcomes in developing countries.
Updated 24 March 2020 (24 Maart 2020)
This regional technical guidance note was developed for the UNFPA Asia-Pacific Regional Office (APRO) and Asia-Pacific Country Offices to provide guidance on older persons, health workers, and caregivers in the contexts of COVID-19 to effectively support each member state and work with other partner...s in preparing for and responding to the COVID-19 epidemic.
ت، ّالرعاية الصحية المجتمعية، بما يتضم."19كوفيد-′′في سياق جائح
21 August 2020
This guidance provides specific considerations for the use of non-medical masks, also known as fabric masks, by children as a means for source control in the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic. It also advises on the use of medical masks for children under certain conditions.
فيروس كورونا المستجد التعامل مع القلق خلال تفشي
خيارات المرافق الخاصة
بغسل اليدين للإعدادات
محدودة الموارد
This document provides guidance to AU Member States, states/local bodies, and communities
on how to construct and maintain non-contact hand washing stations like Tippy Taps and other
al...ternative hand washing stations.