Die iOS-Applikation SMILERS richtet sich an arabischsprachige Menschen mit depressiver Symptomatik. Sieben aufeinander aufbauende Module beinhalten Informationen zur Entstehung und Aufrechterhaltung von depressiven Symptomen, Vorschläge zu positiven Aktivitäten und zum Umgang mit negativen Gedanke...n. Über einen anonymen Fragebogen wird das Angebot durch die Forscher*innen im ZÜ stetig weiterentwickel
Session outline
•Introduction to self-harm/suicide.
•Assessment of self-harm/suicide.
•Management of self-harm/suicide.
This cross disability Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation Programme is based in the Phnom Penh, Kandal, Kampot, Kampong Speu and Takeo provinces of Cambodia, covering a population of about 5 million led by 'Cambodian Development Mission for Disability' (CDMD).
The CHS is a voluntary and measurable standard, which means its application can be objectively assessed. The CHS Verification Scheme allows organisations to measure the extent to which they have successfully applied the CHS requirements, and allows them, to demonstrate that they have done so. The Sc...heme offers four verification options; although each option is stand alone, the indicators used in the self-assessment are common to all options.
First Edition~ This self advocacy toolkit for persons with mental, neurological and substance abuse disorders, developed by Basic Needs and CBM, is the end product of an action research intervention that tracked and documented processes for Self Advocacy in low resourced communities of Uganda. Th...is toolkit presents simple and easy to apply principals and is a replica of good practices identified in the Consumer empowerment project implemented by BasicNeeds UK in Uganda between April 2005 and March 2008.
In these guidelines we use the term gambling problems to refer to
difficulties over time in limiting money or time spent on gambling,
which leads to adverse consequences for the person, others, or for
the community. This could include someone whose gambling is having
a great enough impact on the...ir life to receive a diagnosis of a gambling
disorder, but may also include people with less severe problems.
Gambling problems are mental health problems. In addition, people
with gambling problems are likely to have other common mental health
problems, such as depression, anxiety and substance use problems.
SUI supporting material
• Person stories
• Role plays
• Multiple choice questions
• Video link
Activity 2: mhGAP SUI module – assessment and management
Diese Website bietet Informationen und Unterstützung für geflüchtete Menschen, deren Wohlbefinden beeinträchtigt ist. Körperliche und seelische Beschwerden können Angst machen. Vor allem wenn man nicht weiss, was sie bedeuten, wo sie herkommen und was man dagegen tun kann. Es kann hilfreich se...in, die Informationen auf REFUGEEUM zu lesen und mit anderen Menschen darueber zu sprechen.
Ce site offre des informations et un soutien aux réfugiés dont le bien-être est mis à mal. Les douleurs corporelles et spirituelles peuvent faire peur, d’autant plus lorsque l’on ne sait pas ce qu’elles signifient, d’où elles viennent et ce que l’on peut faire pour s’en prémunir. I...l peut ainsi être profitable de lire les informations présentes sur REFUGEEUM et d’en parler avec d’autres personnes.
يعرض هذا الموقع معلومات لدعم للاجئين الذين يواجهون صعوبات في التعافي. فمن الممكن أن تخشى الآلام الجسدية والنفسية، خاصة إن لم تكن تعرف معناها، ومن أين تأتي، وكيف يمك...ك التعامل معها! يمكن أن يكون من المفيد قراءة المعلومات على ريفيوجيوم REFUGEEUM والتحدث عنها مع الآخرين. ونأمل أن يوضح ذلك التالي:
Kjo faqe interneti ofron Informacione dhe mbeshtetje per njerzit e arratisur, te cileve u mungon mireqenia emocionale. Demtimet fizike dhe shpirterore mund te shkaktojne frike. Sidoms kur nuk dihet arsye se perse lindin, cafre kuptimi kane dhe se cfare mund te beheht per t´i trajtuar. Leximi i info...rmacioneve ne faqen online REFUGEEUM mund te jete nje mjet i mire ndihmes. Githeashtu keshillohet shkembimi i ketyre informacioneve me njerzit qe iu rrethojne.
این وبسایت برای حمایت و اطلاعرسانی به افراد پناهندهای که دچار مشکلات روحی و روانی هستند است. ناراحتیهای فیزیکی و روانی باعث ترس میشود. به خصوص وقتی که فرد نمیداند،ای... ناراحتیها چه معنایی دارد، یا از کجا نشات میگیرد و چه کاری میتوان در مقابل آن کرد. خواندن اطلاعات موجود در وبسایت رفیوجیوم و بحث و گفت و گو با دیگران درباره این موضوعات میتواند برای شما مفید باشد. امید میرود که از این طریق برای شما روشن شود که:
Ova strana nudi informacije i podršku ljudima koji su izegli iz svojih zemalja i čija je dobrobit ugrožena.
Telesne i duševne nelagodnosti mogu da uplaše. Pre svega, ako čovek sam ne zna šta one znače, odakle dolaze i šta se može protiv njih preduzeti. Tada može biti od pomoći pročitat...i te informacije na REFUGEEUM-u i sa drugim ljudima o tome popričati.
In line with the National Mental Health Strategy for Lebanon (2015-2020), this guide answers the objective of the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support task force: “Development and provision of staff care interventions for persons working in the MHPSS and Protection sectors”. It aims at prevent...ing burnout, improving the wellbeing of staff, and managing difficult situations resulting from work conditions.
"Важливі навички в періоди стресу" - це посібник ВООЗ з управління стресом, розроблений для того, щоб навчити людей краще справлятися з несприятливими обставинами. ...е ілюстроване керівництво підтримує впровадження рекомендацій ВООЗ з управління стресом.
Les modules de formation et d’orientation QualityRights ont été élaborés pour renforcer les connaissances, les compétences et la compréhension des principales parties prenantes sur la manière de promouvoir les droits des personnes en situation de handicap psychosocial, intellectuel ou cogni...tif, d'améliorer la qualité des services et des aides fournis dans le domaine de
la santé mentale et dans les domaines connexes, conformément aux normes internationales en matière de droits humains, et en particulier la Convention des Nations unies relative aux droits des personnes handicapées et l'approche de rétablissement.
More than 700 000 people lose their life to suicide every year. A core foundation of suicide prevention is the timely registration and regular monitoring of suicide and self-harm. Surveillance data can be used to show important progress towards reaching global targets, such as reducing the suicide r...ate by one third by 2030 as articulated in the UN SDGs and in the WHO Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2030. However, there are considerable discrepancies in the quality of data on suicide and self-harm globally. The aim of this training manual is to equip fieldworkers and supervisors with the skills to collect and manage data on suicide and self-harm in the community via key informants, health-care facilities and police records. In doing so, the value and overall goal is to strengthen the surveillance of suicide and self-harm in communities, particularly in LMICs and hard-to-reach communities where CRVS systems are weak or absent.
Пособие ВОЗ по управлению стрессом «Важные навыки в периоды стресса» предназначается
для того, чтобы научить людей лучше справляться с неблагоприятными ситуация...ми. Это
иллюстрированное пособие способствует осуществлению рекомендации ВОЗ по управлению стрессом.
Cum să faci ceea ce contează în perioade stresante este un ghid al OMS de gestionare a stresului, pentru a face faţă mai ușor greutăţilor. Acest ghid ilustrat vine în sprijinul implementării recomandărilor OMS pentru gestionarea stresului.