Esta publicación tiene como objetivo fundamental, presentar en lenguaje claro y objetivo, informaciones actualizadas sobre las formas de transmisión de la
enfermedad, sus vectores, su ciclo biológico y métodos de control. Su contenido
se dirige, principalmente, a los técnicos y profesionales ...brasileños que actúan en
el control y en la vigilancia de los vectores de la enfermedad de Chagas y por otro
lado, también a personas que no están familiarizadas con el tema. Entretanto, el
lenguaje simple y objetivo adoptado permite que la obra también pueda ser utilizada
por personas que no están familiarizadas con el asunto.
Adapted from the 'Disability Task Force', this checklist provides useful guidelines about general protection and inclusion principles for people with disabilites or injuries in emergency situations. The following topics are highlighted: health, food and nutrition; water, sanitation and hygiene; prot...ection; psychosocial support; reconstruction and shelter; livelihoods; and education. This checklist would be useful for practitioners interested in the protection and inclusion of people with disabilities in emergency situations
Contact tracing is a key component of the COVID-19 response, particularly as societies begin to lift non-pharmaceutical interventions. However, it is a time-consuming and resource-intensive effort that depends on a trained and motivated workforce. Emergent digital contact tracing and quarantine (...DCTQ) tools offer the potential to complement and strengthen conventional contact tracing initiatives on an unprecedented scale. Despite their visibility throughout the pandemic
Licensed pharmaceutical products (marketing authorization) should be manufactured only by licensed manufacturers (holders of a manufacturing authorization) whose activities are regularly inspected by competent national authorities. This guide to GMP shall be used as a standard to justify GMP status,... which constitutes one of the elements of the WHO Certification Scheme on the quality of pharmaceutical products moving in international commerce, through the assessment of applications for manufacturing authorizations and as a basis for the inspection of manufacturing facilities. It may also be used as training material for government medicines inspectors, as well as for production, QC and QA personnel in the industry
Las enfermedades transmitidas por vectores (ETV) son enfermedades infecciosas propagadas por organismos intermediarios como insectos hematófagos, garrapatas, ácaros, caracoles y roedores, que transmiten virus, parásitos y bacterias a los seres humanos. Estas enfermedades son la causa de una notab...le carga de enfermedad y mortalidad, que afecta a las personas enfermas, sus familias y sus comunidades. En la presente publicación se revisan y actualizan los principales métodos e indicadores de vigilancia entomológica, así como las medidas de control vectorial utilizadas contra las ETV en la Región de las Américas. Su elaboración se inscribe en la misión de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) de desarrollar actividades encaminadas a fortalecer la capacidad y las buenas prácticas entomológicas en salud pública de los países de la Región. Asimismo, el contenido se ha armonizado con los principios y fundamentos del marco estratégico mundial de la Organización Mundial de la Salud para el manejo integrado de vectores, adoptado como referencia técnica por la OPS para la organización y la estructuración de los programas de control de vectores en la Región. Se trata de un trabajo exhaustivo e integral que proporciona a los responsables de los programas nacionales de control vectorial, epidemiólogos, entomólogos y otros interesados directos acceso rápido a la información más relevante disponible.
CFCA PRACTICE RESOURCE – JUNE 2016 ~ CHILD FAMILY COMMUNITY AUSTRALIA┃INFORMATION EXCHANGE ~ This practice paper provides an overview of what we know from research about cognitive development in children who have experienced trauma, and provides principles to support
effective practice to those children’s trauma.
Os trabalhadores da saúde estão na linha de frente para resposta ao surto de COVID-19, portanto, estão expostos a perigos que os colocam em risco de infecção. Os perigos incluem exposição ao patógeno, longas jornadas de trabalho, estresse emocional, fatiga, síndrome do esgotamento físico e... mental ligado ao trabalho (síndrome de burnout), estigma, e violência física e psicológica. Este documento destaca os direitos e responsabilidades dos trabalhadores da saúde, inclusive as medidas específicas necessárias para proteger a segurança e a saúde ocupacional.
Principles and Target Product Criteria. Roadmap January 12, 2015
Guiding principles for reuse are:
Respirators which have been visibly contaminated (e.g. during procedure at intubated patients, such as suction cleaning of airways, taking probes, extubation attempts, etc.) or are damaged or not fitting, should be discarded and cannot be taken for re-use or de...contamination procedures.
Respirators may be protected by a medical face mask in order to prevent soiling.
Use of new ‘expired respirators’ (manufacturers expiry date) is possible if they were properly stored until use.
The principles and practice of the surgical lmanagment of wounds produced by missiles or explosions
This study has been produced jointly by Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, a federally owned enterprise, implementing development programmes on behalf of the German Government, and CBM, a non-governmental organisation. Accordingly, its aim is to offer guidance to those in governmental and non-governmental organisations on development cooperation. Given the wide and differing range of implementation procedures, levels of intervention and organisational cultures, it is not a ready-to-be-applied toolbox with concrete blueprints for action. Rather, it raises awareness on core human rights and disability – inclusive principles. It explains and illustrates the implications of applying these principles to development practice. Practitioners can therefore use the guidance to initiate a process of consideration of how to embed these principles within their programmes.
Guiding Principles and Recommendations
4 priciples that can change the world
accessed July 2019
Advising principles. The purpose of this document is to support competent authorities in charge of IHR implementation to improve national capacities for the prevention, detection and control of events, by strengthening communications and coordination between points of entry and the national health s...urveillance system